雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月3日 · On April 30, 2024, Tesla announced that in addition to launching the Model 3 Performance version in Hong Kong, they have also reduced the price of all Model 3 models in Hong Kong by HK$16,000. Under the new ‘one-for-one’ plan, the price reduction can be as much as HK$34,400, with a maximum reduction of up to 9.4%.

  2. 2024年5月3日 · Standard Chartered: 1.9% interest rate for 6-month RMB time deposit. Using Standard Chartered’s SC Mobile App or online banking, open a time deposit account with new funds of CNY 10,000 or more. The 6-month RMB time deposit interest rate is 1.9% and the 12-month rate is 1.9%.

  3. 2024年5月3日 · The basic selling price of the Tesla Model Y is about HK$345,000 to HK$400,000. The “one-for-one” price is HK$422,000 to HK$547,000, depending on the version. Currently, you can pre-order the Tesla Model Y on the official website, with delivery expected in the second quarter of 2024. Tesla Model Y. Basic Car Price.

  4. 2024年5月7日 · HSBC Visa Signature Card. HSBC Visa Signature Card: Enjoy 3X extra RewardCash, which gives a maximum of 9X RewardCash or HK$2.78=1 Asia Miles; However, it is not easy to get the card. Applicants would need an annual income of HK$360,000 or assets of HK$400,000 in order to be eligible. Bank Promo.

  5. 2024年5月9日 · 報稅表寄出時,大家記住:「郵費已加價至HK$2.2!郵費已加價至HK$2.2!郵費已加價至HK$2.2!」不少市民寄出報稅表時,因不知郵費已加價,誤貼舊版HK$2郵票,結果因郵資不足,未能成功報稅。據稅務局規定,若納稅人逾時提交報稅表,又沒有合理解釋,會被徵收5%附加費,若拖欠稅款超過6個月,會 ...

  6. 2024年5月6日 · 返工望放假,短假望長假!假期不嫌多,想放得更長,便要善用紅日公眾假期自製長假。2025年就有8個自製長假機會,可以請2放9、請4放10、請3放9、請1放5、請1放4。本文會以「請最少日數換最長假期」為最高標準,為你由高至低一一細數長假最抵請法。《2025請假攻略》,開始!

  7. 2024年5月7日 · How to link your Hong Kong credit card to WeChat Pay in 4 simple steps. To link your credit card to WeChat Pay, follow these steps: Open WeChat and switch the region of your wallet to Mainland China. Select the credit card/debit card option. Follow the instructions to add your card details, including credit card information and billing address.