雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本課程為在職人士及學徒提供有關水喉全科之工藝理論及實習訓練,內容涵蓋水喉實習、水務及建造繪圖、食水及沖廁供水、消防機械裝置、房屋建築、熱水供水、水喉工料量度、資訊科技初階、水喉科學、水喉數學、排水系統、綜合工程裝備繪圖及喉管安裝等 ...

  2. www.vtc.edu.hk › ero › Annual_Report_09-10STAFF

    The Vocational Training Council (VTC) attaches great importance to teaching quality and is constantly promoting and facilitating excellence in teaching at all levels. The Teaching Excellence Award Scheme each year recognises and rewards outstanding practices in teaching and learning. The winners for 2009 were:

  3. 行政委員會委員名單 主席 盧金榮博士, BBS, JP 委員 梅李玉霞女士, MH 謝宏儒先生 黃維義先生 英佩詞先生 教育局副秘書長(或其代表) 職業訓練局執行幹事 獲選員工代表 謝佩女士

  4. www.vtc.edu.hk › ero › Annual_Report_15-16職業訓練局 << VTC

    The VTC’s day-to-day management comes under the purview of the Executive Director, who reports to the Council via its Chairman. The Executive Director is supported by the Caucus team, who guides and manages the overall operation of the VTC’s services. The Executive Director also chairs the Quality Assurance Steering Committee and Strategic Plan Implementation Steering Group.

  5. www.vtc.edu.hk › home › tc榮譽院士

    陳榮燦先生, BBS鄭兆良先生關敏怡博士關育材工程師, JP李宗德博士, GBS, OStJ, JP鮑潔鈞先生潘燊昌博士. 榮譽院士 2014. 顏吳餘英女士, JPDr David PILSBURY潘偉工程師Mr Graeme J READING冼泳霖工程師楊碧瑤女士楊貫一先生, BBS, MH. 榮譽院士 2013. 簡禮能先生何懿德教授, PhD, MH ...

  6. 獎學金及獎勵計劃. 受惠於香港特別行政區政府、工商界、專業團體及熱心人士的慷慨捐助,VTC每年頒發獎學金表揚表現出色的學生,和鼓勵同學積極參與全人發展活動。. 此外,香港特別行政區政府亦推出專上學生海外交流資助計劃,資助有經濟需要同學參與 ...

  7. Mr. Joseph LEE, SBS, JP Dr. Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, JP Mr. Stanley HUI Hon-chung, JP Mr. Stanley LAU Chin-ho, BBS, MH, JP Mr. Sunny LEE Wai-kwong Mr. Bernie TING Wai-cheung Dr. NG Tat-lun, BBS, JP Mr. Clement CHEN Cheng-jen, BBS, JP Deputy Secretary for Education (or her representative) Ms. Michelle LI Mei-sheung, JP Executive Director, Vocational Training Council Dr. Carrie WILLIS, SBS, JP

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