雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 阪急國際飯店. 地址: 大阪府大阪市北區茶屋町19-19. 交通: 阪急「梅田站」茶屋町出口步行約3分鐘、地鐵御堂筋線「中津站」步行約3分鐘. - www-a.global.hankyu-hotel.com. 享受奢華時刻的老牌飯店【大阪帝國飯店】

  2. 32樓的超高建築高達138m,可將位於海上的遊樂園盡收眼底。 位於最高層樓的「Top of Universal」,可盡情享用大廚講究的精緻料理。 頂樓的「SKY SPA」則可以讓您在110米高的上空,享受來自地下1,000米深的天然溫泉。 別緻又有現代感裝潢的客房,從大大的窗戶望出去,則可欣賞到活力四射的街道及優美夜景。

  3. Osaka Guesthouse U-En是由二戰前的日式料理店改建而成,保留原先的町家氛圍,特別適合喜愛懷舊感的旅客。 背包房的隔間牆壁較厚,可有效降低隔壁鄰居的噪音,多人房以合適的榻榻米為主,散發著一股日式的迷人香氣。

  4. 2017年2月16日 · Osaka is known for its gorgeous landscape and picturesque skyline, and is home to many attractions. Enhance your Osaka travel experience when you stay in one of the city's modern hotels or traditional Japanese homes.

  5. 2018年7月27日 · There are a plethora of popular onsen and bathing resorts that can make a great day trip from Osaka. Choose from large spas, private family baths, konyoku (mixed-gender) onsen and more!

  6. 2020年9月25日 · Kita and Namba are both just minutes away on the Midosuji subway line. It is easy to reach Kyoto from the Shin-Osaka Area, too (only about 100 minutes), making it a great spot to stay if you're looking to see both Osaka and Kyoto without moving hotels. The area has plenty of hotels, designed for people traveling through Japan, along ...

  7. 2018年4月22日 · Guesthouses and capsule hotels are perfect for those who want comfortable accommodation in Japan while minimizing expenses. Don't overpay for a hotel room again. Here are some of our recommended budget stays in Osaka!

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