雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Japan has many culturally unique social customs. Here’s an outline of the basic etiquette and protocols for a deeper cultural experience in Japan. Japanese people are accustomed to bowing as a form of greeting. Walking around the streets, you'll probably notice ...

  2. Attraction. Japanese Garden. Scenic View. Maintaining a natural, green space among the gleaming, high-rise buildings of nearby Shiodome, Hama-Rikyu Onshi Teien is a bastion of calm in the heart of downtown Tokyo. This scenic garden, once reserved for Imperial use only, was opened to the public in 1946.

  3. Experience authentic culture at this cozy, historic hot spring resort. Kinosaki Onsen is a historic hot spring resort in northern Hyogo Prefecture . The town is surrounded by mountains and sea, and offers seasonal treats such as spring cherry blossoms, summer fireworks, and winter snow. Check Kinosaki Onsen's official website “Visit Kinosaki ...

  4. 1950 7 月 10 日 交通方式 從東京出發:2-3 小時 七釜瀑布 七釜瀑布 遊客資訊服務中心 探索秩父多摩甲斐國家公園前,不妨先前往公園的資訊與自然中心,取得相關旅遊資訊,例如安全建議、天氣資訊,以及地圖和旅遊指南。此外,該中心亦提供園區 ...

  5. 日本春天:2024 櫻花開花預報. 日本賞櫻時機與地點. Kagoshima. 日本的春天如夢似幻。. 象徵日本的櫻花從 3 月下旬至 5 月初接連盛開,繽紛的淺粉紅色點綴著全國各地,遊客與當地居民莫不目眩神迷. 櫻花季自 3 月在日本西南部的九州開始,期間每天都有櫻花 ...

  6. 新幹線設有不同的車站,以配合乘客各式各樣的目的地和時間安排。. 例如,東海道新幹線列車分為三類:NOZOMI 、HIKARI 和 KODAMA 。. 與其他兩種列車相比,NOZOMI 停靠的車站最少,是前往京都、新大阪和新神戶及關西地區最快的選擇。. 請注意,除了JR 公司 ...

  7. Kawasaki’s Kanamara Matsuri in early April is one of Japan’s most raucous spring festivals. It involves an energetic procession of three phallic portable shrines and a variety of food and goods shaped to match the occasion.