雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. Case No. Complaint Form (Advertisement) (for official use only): I. Complainant’s Particulars (The complainant’s role is a witness in the complaint and must provide his/her name, ID document number, contact telephone number and business or residential address as means of contact and for the purposes of follow up and service of witness ...

  2. www.eaa.org.hk › Portals › 0Statistics - EAA

    Statistics. 的個案 (2019年1. Number of cases arising from self-initiated investigations during inspections. (January to August 2019) 主動調查的個案Cases arising from self- 81 initiated investigations. 主動調查而指稱成立的個案* Cases completed from self-initiated 50 investigations and were substantiated*. * 部分是往年 ...

  3. To enhance the competence of practitioners and the currency of their professional knowledge, EAA launched a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme on a voluntary basis . Practitioners are encouraged to earn a certain number of CPD points every year in the spirit of life-long learning. For details, please refer to the Voluntary CPD ...

  4. 融資人 (financier) ,通常是銀行或財務機構,一般會要求貸款人提供物業作為還款或信貸的抵押。. 不同情況需要不同種類的抵押。. 一些有關融資信貸或抵押文書,如貸款合約、擔保書等因不涉及物業,一般不會構成物業的產權負擔。. b. 若物業之前未受制於 ...

  5. 面積」的統一定義。監管局和消費者委員會亦同時更新有關刊物,以加強消費者對「實用面積」新定義的認. ,保障他們的利益。根據運輸及房屋局的公布,所有於2008年10月10日或以後所批出的預售樓花申請項目,必須在售樓書中採用統一 . 「實用面積」定義。監管局 ...

  6. 08 Y 8 Â ® 新聞速遞 NEWS EXPRESS 監管局繼2018年在柴灣購入首個自置辦 公室後,今年5月再購入該座大廈的另 一層辦公室。今年9月,大部分員工已遷往柴 灣的新辦公室,而監管局亦同時在灣仔合和 中心26樓設立一個小型辦事處,為公眾及持 牌人提供前線

  7. Circular No. 13-04 (CR) Guidelines on conduct and provision of property information in first sale of residential properties (with the relevant paragraph numbers in brackets): Agency Management Appointment of Controller (2–3) Appoint a controller to oversee all matters. Ensure that the number of staff deployed to sales sites is manageable.

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