雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Now新聞團隊不偏不倚、緊守崗位,332 Now新聞台全天候免費廣播,送上本地及海外即時新聞資訊,助你洞悉時局。

  2. 2024年5月29日 · 政府指個別人士評論 忽視香港優勢及發展勢頭. 11小時前. 【Now新聞台】特區政府不點名反駁摩根士丹利前亞洲區主席羅奇提出的「香港玩完論」,指是忽視了香港優勢及發展勢頭,在數據及事實前站不住腳。 記協批警方六四阻採訪 警方斥失實無理. 11小時前. 【Now新聞台】記協發聲明指,警方在六四當日阻礙採訪;警方則駁斥記協說法是無理指控。 港澳辦副主任周霽到香港考察調研. 11小時前. 【Now新聞台】港澳辦副主任周霽到香港考察調研。 行會同意公務員劃一加薪3% 有工會與楊何蓓茵會面後表明不滿加幅. 11小時前. 【Now新聞台】公務員事務局局長楊何蓓茵約見多個公務員工會,討論各級公務員劃一加薪3%的建議。

  3. news.gov.hk is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

  4. 綫新聞台. 已複製連結. 專題節目. 新聞追蹤. 隨時隨地觀看新聞,立即下載. 條款及細則. 個人資料收集聲明. 私隱聲明概覽 (歐盟) 完整私隱聲明 (歐盟) Cookies 政策. 準則及守則. FAQ 常見問題. 關於我們. 聯絡我們. Copyright 2024Television Broadcasts Limited. 【直播Live】無綫新聞台.

  5. 1 天前 · 台南市中西區保安路某民宅今天中午發生火警,消防人員趕往灌救,出動雲梯從陽台救出3人,火勢也在20分鐘內撲滅。. 台南市消防局中午12時18分獲報,中西區保安路某民宅發生火警,屋內有人受困,消防局立刻派出14車30人趕往灌救,且出動雲梯從2樓陽台救出3 ...

  6. A1. recently created or having started to exist recently. 新出現的;新興的. a new car 新車. She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas. 她極富創造力,總會想出新主意。 What have they decided to name the new baby? 他們決定給剛出生的嬰兒起甚麼名字? What's new in the fashion world? 時尚界有甚麼新潮流? We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.

  7. Now E 線上電影及劇集中心 - 超過15,000小時電影、劇集及動畫即時點播。 Now E 更可收看即時新聞、英超、西甲及多種體育賽事頻道。 提供多種服務計劃或組合,立即登記 Now E 網上娛樂平台。

  8. 1 天前 · New York was just a few weeks away from becoming the first American city to adopt congestion pricing, a system designed to alleviate traffic, reduce air pollution and fund public transit. Then, at ...

  9. new 在英語中的意思. adjective. uk / njuː / us / nuː / new adjective (RECENTLY CREATED) Add to word list. A1. recently created or having started to exist recently: a new car. She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas. What have they decided to name the new baby? What's new in the fashion world?

  10. 18 小時前 · Representative Josh Gottheimer, a Democrat who represents northern New Jersey and has been one of the most vocal opponents of congestion pricing, was still triumphant on Thursday. “We’ve been ...

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