雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2022年6月17日 · 日式炒面应该是日本料理里很有代表性的主食之一,当然,到了夏祭里的街边摊,炒面可是要屈尊被当成小吃的。日式炒面通常以酱料,盐,胡椒,酱油等做调味,最后出锅前还会添几片红,甚至淋上沙酱。

  2. 2017年11月2日 · 八尺瓊勾玉是众神吸引天照大神出洞的另一个神器, 勾玉是一种逗号形状的珠子或宝石,流行于大约公元前10世纪到公元6世纪的日本。鉴于有证据表明宝镜在1040年的大火中被摧毁了,而宝剑似乎是个赝品,所以勾玉可能是现存唯一的神器了。 它现在位于东京皇居 的宮中三殿之内,它们通常用于 ...

  3. 2017年7月28日 · What is Tanabata? When it comes to summer traditions in Japan, summer festivals loom large, and chief among them is Tanabata. Also known as the Star Festival, Tanabata is traditionally held on the seventh day of the seventh month of the old lunar calendar, celebrating the legend of the one day of the year when the deities Hikoboshi (identified ...

  4. 2023年7月26日 · 精进料理(しょうじんりょうり)其实就是日本的斋,源于中国的素食,是佛教信众的特色饮食。 人们食主要是为了避免杀生和佛教所说的“烦恼”。为此,精进料理中主要避免使用两大类食材,一个就是肉类食材,其中也包括鱼肉和蛋类;另一种则是会带来“烦恼”的“五荤”(也称五辛 ...

  5. 2019年3月18日 · It's almost like a carpet on wheels—just swipe your umbrella through until it's dry enough to fold up without worry. 3. Umbrella Disposal. https://pixta.jp/. Spend enough time in Japan and it's highly likely that, at some point, an unexpectedly big gust of wind will fold your umbrella like complicated origami.

  6. 2017年7月10日 · Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi Bridge (Oita) Completed in autumn 2006, Kokonoe Yume Otsurihashi Bridge is the highest and longest suspension bridge in Japan. Set high above the Kyusui Ravine in western Oita Prefecture, the magnificent view is like peering out from a walkway through the sky. 5. Kusasenri Grassland (Kumamoto)

  7. 2020年12月22日 · Heat Packs (Hokkairo) Hokkairo, or just kairo, are warm pads or packs that can be placed under clothing for temporary relief from the cold. There are many types available, each with a unique shape and function. This includes the sticky haru hokkairo to put on your clothing, ones for under your feet, or ones to wear over your face while resting.

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