雅虎香港 搜尋


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  3. Product Code CD6 Main Stone RZ®Simulated Diamond Shape Round Brilliant Cut Main Stone Color Transparent(D) Main Stone Weight(ct) 1.00 Clarity Flawless(FL) Cut Excellent

  4. 3 天前 · 「我想要一顆1克拉G VS1的鑽戒,請問售價多少?」 走進鑽戒品牌,不少人第一句話便是指定克拉數、顏色淨度,這也是挑選鑽戒的最大誤區,許多人回到家裡之後打開戒盒,發現鑽石火光不夠璀璨,或是偶然發現別人的1克拉G VS1居然比自己的還要閃爍。 鑽石有4C,偏偏漏掉最重要的指標 車工Cut是 ...

  5. 14K four· teen kar· at | ˈfȯr-ˈtēn ker-ət adjective A gold alloy that includes 58.5% pure gold and 41.5% alloy Used to define the purity of gold in jewelry, 14k refers to the amount of pure gold in a particular piece. Due to gold being such a soft metal, it must often be

  6. Natural, Lab and Fancy Diamonds listing page

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