雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Jackel Porter was founded in 1975. As we had a penetrating business insight and an excellent marketing network, our customers boomed from several hundreds to over three thousands within the first two years. In 1982, we successfully introduced the American-made water cooler in Hong Kong and made it popular in the market. 1985 was the year in ...

  2. Our professional sales representatives will provide the most suitable drinking water solutions to our customers and professional technician will conduct onsite checking before installation as well. Repair and Maintenance Service. Hotline: (852) 3180 8111. Fax:

  3. www.jackelporter.com › emart › forget_action高寶德超市購物


  4. 高寶德是香港上流式飲水機的原創者,思維革新,設計與服務自然遠勝倣效一群!. 「雅潔」超動感茶水手推車配備「雅潔」冷熱蒸餾水機及多種不同類型之全自動咖啡機,茶水車配有獨立手柄及滑輪,方便客戶在公司裡推動到不同角落,即場調製各類茶水熱飲 ...

  5. 在眾多蒸餾水供應商之中,高寶德洋行致力成為全港最佳蒸餾水公司! 我們的蒸餾水備有多款包裝以供客戶選擇,包括18升、11.3升、1.5升及600毫升,務求為商用及住宅用戶提供全面的供水方案。. 高流量地區用戶如辦公室、學校、購物中心及其他公眾地方可使用18 ...

  6. 型號:AQSB-10XLRW+ES. 智能式數碼加熱系統,溫度準確度高,隨時掌握熱開水之溫度 (90℃~100℃)。. LED熱水溫度顯示器。. 熱水流量為每小時約40公升。. 不銹鋼機身,美觀耐用及防銹。. 當供水出現故障,熱水器會自動斷電確保安全。. 配備安全熱水龍頭:可避免小孩 ...

  7. Order by Jackel Porter: Phone, Fax, Touch-tone Phone, Website Through our service hotline 3180 8080, our Customer Service Officers will handle your order within the office hours. Through our Voice-Mail Ordering Service after the office hours, our Customer Service

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