雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bitcoin (símbolo: ; abreviado ISO 4217: BTC ou XBT) é uma criptomoeda descentralizada e de código aberto, [14] um dinheiro eletrônico para transações financeiras ponto a ponto (sem intermediários), [nota 4] originalmente descrita em um artigo por um programador ou grupo de programadores sob o pseudônimo Satoshi Nakamoto, [15] [16] [17] publicado em 31 de outubro de 2008 na lista de ...

  2. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting ...

  3. This reward is two-fold. First, the block producer gets a bounty of some number of bitcoins, which is agreed-upon by the network. (Currently this bounty is 25 bitcoins; this value will halve every 210,000 blocks.) Second, any transaction fees that may be present in the transactions included in the block, get claimed by the block producer.

  4. Bitcoin(比特币) 是中本聪于2009年发明的一种数字货币。它同时也是为实现此货币流通之开源软件的名字。 Bitcoin是最早实现“加密货币”这一概念的系统,该设想最早由戴伟(Dai Wei,音译)于1998年在cypherpunks函件用户组首次提出的。 它建立在这样一个概念 ...

  5. Bitcoin is decentralized, so there is no organization that can set official names for units. Therefore, there are many different units with varying degrees of popularity. As of 2014, the most common units are bitcoins, bits, and satoshi: 1 bitcoin = 1 000 000.00 bits = 100 000 000 satoshi.

  6. 比特幣(bitcoin [註 1] )是第一個加密電子貨幣,其特色是使用密碼學來控制貨幣的製造和管理,而非依賴特定的中央機構 [1]。 然而,比特幣背後的科技和概念並非均為新創;其推測的幕後發明人 中本聰 結合了許多來自 數位龐克 社群的既有想法,創造了比特幣。

  7. fr.bitcoinwiki.org › wiki › AccueilAccueil - BitcoinWiki

    Bitcoin est un cryptocourse électronique décentralisé créé en 2008 par Satoshi Nakamoto. Le mot “décentralisé” signifie que Bitcoin n'a pas de serveurs centraux pour le traitement des transactions ou le stockage des fonds. d'Émission de Bitcoins est limitée car elle ne peut pas dépasser 21 millions Bitcoins. Selon les calculs, la ...

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