雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Delivery locations include: HK island, Kowloon, and New Territories. We offer timely, free deliveries for destinations all over Hong Kong. A super efficient way to have your freshly prepared lunch box or bento box, whilst still staying on top of all your work. The best thing about a lunch box and bento box catering is how hassle free it can be.

  2. 新娘婚前派對 (Bridal Shower) 是由西方傳入的活動,讓新友送贈結婚禮物,為新人佈置新居出一分力。. 近年新娘婚前派對在香港開始流行,而且只有女生參與,形式也不再限於high tea、跳舞狂歡和送禮物的環節。. 婚前派對的地點依然是非常重要的一環,所以ReUbird ...

  3. Pick and choose from ReUbird canapes and finger foods, and have them delivered for free across any area of Hong Kong! You would not even have to lift a finger in preparing, just making sure to take the delivery of canapes and finger foods with an empty stomach so you can taste it all. ReUbird has experience in providing canapes and finger foods ...

  4. 需要訂 Sweet On by Roger Luk 蛋糕/糕點?ReUbird 蛋糕預訂平台提供各款 Sweet On by Roger Luk 蛋糕/糕點 讓你方便網上訂購,並且即時確認,平台接受信用卡、過數、轉數快 FPS、PayMe等付款方式,方便快捷。

  5. 瑰麗酒店 Rosewood Hong Kong|傳統黑森林蛋糕 瑰麗酒店餅房 The Butterfly Room 嘅黑森林蛋糕係屬於傳統有酒嘅款式,雖然小朋友唔食得,但係香港想食傳統嘅黑森林蛋糕真係比較難,以浸泡過櫻桃白蘭地嘅朱古力海棉蛋糕、酸櫻桃、忌廉和黑朱古力碎製成嘅蛋糕真係好值得大家一試~

  6. CUTEFIGUREHK 香港陶偶設計公司 度身訂造Figurine | 真人公仔專門店,人型3D 公仔製作,真人公仔,真實埸景,退休榮休禮物,結婚禮物,祝賀禮物,團體禮物,結婚週年禮物 商品數量 9 所有產品 免運費 CUTEFIGUREHK 真人版人像擺設 ...

  7. 想與朋友悠閒地度過假日?下午茶 High Tea 是不錯的選擇。ReUbird 小編為你推介必試特色 Afternoon Tea,有齊打卡必去海景、人氣甜點,優惠更是低至5折!香港人每天處於忙錄緊張的生活中,即使不方便時常出國遊玩,也想在難得的假日替自己好好充電。近年不少打卡cafe、餐廳都推出 Afternoon tea set ...

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