雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 美白面霜2024 相關

  2. 經實證5週亮白超有感,眾多女星必備聖品,安美諾點亮肌膚光澤,享受白皙無瑕,立即選購! 一瓶集結彈力+撫紋+淡化+透亮多種功效,安美諾讓妳感受前所未有的光透亮白,留住青春肌齡!


  1. 本表格所收集的個人資料根據「AIA個人資料收集聲明」處理及只會被用作於聯絡閣下之用。然而所收集的個人資料未經您明確授權將不會轉移至「AIA個人資料收集聲明」列明以外之第三者機構。 若您在AIA團體醫療保險計劃及/或「友心意2」下合共受保至少連續12

  2. 抽獎結果將於2023年3月9日於AIA網站內( aia.com.hk )公佈。. 新春佳節將至,AIA為您獻上滿滿祝福與心意!. 由即日起至2023年2月28日下午6時,特選客戶參加新春「友」禮大抽獎 - 自己獎賞自己揀活動,有機會贏取5份自選禮品,獎品總值超過HK$888,888!.

  3. 2024年4月23日 · 友邦香港及澳門針對大眾的醫療保障需要和痛點,推出多項市場及業界首創的全方位健康方案 : 全新「AIA自願醫保尊耀計劃」市場首創1癌症第三期臨床試驗藥物賠償2: 有見客戶對先進癌症治療的高度關注,全新「AIA自願醫保尊耀計劃」特設市場首創癌症第三期 ...

  4. MPF journey - Employer. AIA always strives to offer our corporate clients and their employees quality, thoughtful services, including diversified investment options, comprehensive MPF solutions, easy and convenient management tools, and unparalleled customer service. AIA helps you easily fulfil your MPF obligations.

  5. AIA Alta Wellness Haven – With wellness services exclusively dedicated to the AIA Club Alta members, it is Hong Kong insurance's first* integrated and one-stop wellness realm where science blends seamlessly with Eastern and Western philosophies. * As of 1 August 2023, compared with services provided by Hong Kong major insurance companies.

  6. Created Date 3/7/2024 3:48:31 PM

  7. To better protect your data and provide a secured environment, we are updating the system requirements for AIA Connect. Gradually from 18 Mar 2024, we will only support iOS 14.0 or above, macOS 11.0 or above, Android OS 8.0 or above, and HarmonyOS 2.0