雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 分類:. 這首楊林的招牌歌曲, 最近由邰正宵 2013 年新專輯, 重新翻唱, 收錄在緯來戲劇台「幸福的反擊」當片尾曲, 好令人懷念的歌曲, 原調升 F, 做 F, 分享給大家. 無法試聽?

  3. Full sheet music contains 5 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. Sheet MV. 陳雷《心碎》官方MV. Watch on. **本雙行簡譜後,附贈右手單行譜,方便需要單行譜的朋友使用**/ 本簡譜直接翻自之前審核過的五線譜版,另加上和弦記號給需要的朋友使用. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet? Sheet music download and open instruction ©Sheet music copyright claim and abuse. Score quality not satisfactory?

  4. 聽到卡農,大家腦中第一個想起來的. 絕對是帕海貝爾的Canon in D. 而這首Alleluia Canon形式很特別的小品. 裡面不是單純的卡農,還有齊奏的部分. 曲子不長,也很簡單. 這份譜是從我們音樂課本裡的一首選曲. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet? Sheet music download and open instruction ©Sheet music copyright claim and abuse. Score quality not satisfactory? Transcribed error ? Click me to report us.

  5. 鋼琴譜下載 - 廷廷的鋼琴窩 (五線譜、簡譜) Piano Sheet Music Download :: THE ENTERTAINER. 我看琴譜演奏影片. (不保證與琴譜演奏的音樂完全吻合,請以試聽播放器為準) 我看原曲影片.

  6. Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF!7/7前此區琴譜標題含「 四手聯彈 」關鍵字,購物車結帳加碼再打9折!. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. 盧盧 ...

  7. Class:. BSS (부석순)所演唱的"The Reasons of My Smiles (자꾸만 웃게 돼)",是韓劇"淚之女王"OST P1,路易斯製作成鋼琴原調獨奏樂譜,全曲總共4頁,原調為C大調,C大調放在首頁 (無轉調),可選擇列印你所需要的前4頁,試聽音檔是由Sibelius轉檔而成,演奏時可加入個人 ...