雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Our b-MOLA air purifier filter has the highest grade of medical grade 13, which can isolate dust, hair and particles floating in the air, such as allergens, pollen, bacteria, viruses and fungi. NCCO reactor decomposes harmful gas, which can remove odor and separate harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde and VOC into solids that can be separated.

  2. NCCO 1802 - 氧聚解空氣淨化機. 香港的地少人多及空氣污染問題十分嚴重,都市人都會很容易患上氣管及鼻敏感的問題。. b-MOLA空氣清新機正正為你解決此問題。. NCCO是由香港科技大學研發出的空氣淨化專利技術,它可以幫助解決世界上空氣污染問題。. 通過NCCO技術 ...

  3. In 1905, entrepreneurs Carl Raschick and Frank Minea founded National Checking Company (NCCO) in St. Paul, Minnesota, as printers of coupon books, which were widely used as cash equivalents at the time. The growing labor economy created a demand for coupons and meal tickets to pay workers. Customers included schools, cafés, gas stations ...

  4. 去除99.9%細菌病毒* 離心風機技術確保空氣處理率 操作簡單易懂 本地科研NCCO長效濾芯 可用於車載 28分鐘循環淨化50呎空間一次 過濾寵物毛髮及皮屑 去除細菌 去除病毒 過濾花粉 過濾灰塵及PM10 去除VOC 去除甲醛 過濾微塵及PM2.5 去除煙味 關注汽車空氣清新 車廂空氣淨化機是您的良伴 行車時空氣質 ...

  5. 2016年5月4日 · 雖然 NCCO 納米催化式氧化技術呢個港人研發的技術已經有十年,不過都唔係好多人識, 而且唔多空氣清新機會用到。 因為最近同事的報導之後,我依莉詩就搜羅咗一部運用 NCCO 技術的空氣清新機番嚟。依家就睇下佢好唔好用啦!

  6. NCCO International’s headquarters are in Burton-upon-Trent, England, with additional operations in Russia and the Middle East. After successfully training more than 300,000 foodservice workers in Europe, Always Food Safe has come to the United States with a complete food safety training program for restaurant personnel and other foodservice workers.

  7. NCCO為Nano-Confined Catalytic Oxidation,即氧聚解空氣處理技術。 由香港科技大學創業中心成員研發,已獲得國際認可專利,被評為最高效能、且最安全的空氣淨化方法,能透過阻隔及消滅依附於塵埃上的多種過敏原、病毒、細菌及可揮發性有機化合物等,而不會釋出氧化劑。

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