雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ENHANCING OUR ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING PROCEDURES. In line with enhancements to our Group Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Procedures we now require the following information for all cross-border payment transactions, regardless of currency: The beneficiary’s full name, account number and address including country.

  2. Learn how to become a shareholder of SCB Ghana and enjoy the benefits of Standard Chartered dividends and stock information.

  3. Personal, Business & Private Banking | Standard Chartered

  4. 2024年5月2日 · 2倍紅利點數回饋(即額外獲贈1倍紅利點數):係指持卡人於特定商店消費,原NT$10享1點,現為NT$10可享2點。紅利點數將依結帳日前商店請款入帳之金額計算,並於當月結帳日回饋至信用卡月結單上。2倍紅利點數回饋(即額外獲贈1倍)限於全台指定各大百貨公司、超級市場、大賣場、網路及電視購物等特 ...

  5. Discover the SCB Ghana Annual Report 2013, which showcases the bank's financial results, sustainability initiatives, and customer service excellence. Learn how SCB Ghana continued to grow and innovate in a challenging and competitive market, and how it supported the development of Ghana's economy and society.

  6. 按此 /掃描以下二維碼下載安卓安裝檔 (APK) 4. 打開 APK 檔案然後安裝. 5. 成功安裝APK後, 停用 “未知來源”. • 請在Google Play Store搜尋 “SC Mobile Hong Kong“或. • 按此 / 掃描以下二維碼下載渣打手機銀行應用程式。. • 請在Apple App store搜尋 “SC Mobile“或. • 按此 ...

  7. 2 天前 · 你亦可透過網上理財開立股票投資戶口,登入網上理財後,選取「股票服務」. 股票投資服務之投資風險聲明. 投資涉及風險。. 證券價格有時可能會非常波動,在最壞情況下,投資者可能損失全部投資款項。. 過往表現並非其將來表現指引。. 投資前投資 ...