雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Hiroshima is easily accessible via the JR Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen from Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, and Fukuoka in the other direction. It is also served by domestic and international flights to Hiroshima International Airport, local trains from and highway bus ...

  2. 天神中央公園與阿庫羅斯在同一側,全年都有活動舉行,因此無論 時都很適合到此一遊。 前往天神地下街 地下萬町大街坐落於渡邊大街下方。這座巨大的地下商城於 1976 年開放,聚集超過 150 家商鋪、餐廳和咖啡店。這條地下連通 ...

  3. There is a chocolate shop near the Ueno end of Ameyoko that sells in an unusual manner, almost like an auction. Tatakiuri literally means bang-selling. Vendors will often hit something, like boxes, with a stick, as they sell. Here, the seller will add boxes of chocolate into the bag. He'll keep adding them until the bag is full.

  4. 這是一座阿彌陀佛的銅像,高度僅次於奈良的東大寺大佛。. 和 奈良 的佛像一樣,鐮倉大佛在 13 世紀被鑄造後,最初是被安置在一座寺廟建築內。. 但在 14 世紀和 15 世紀,安放佛像的大殿被颱風、海嘯和地震多次毀壞。. 因此在 1498 年,佛像的照護人只能屈服 ...

  5. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey. Thank you for using "Japan Official Travel App". Our App services are no longer available via the ...

  6. 盡力吃完。. 將食物拿到嘴邊,而不是反過來。. 先將食物分成小塊,再放進嘴巴。. 請尊重食物的擺放方式(不可弄亂一道菜餚,或從底下而非上面開始吃). 不可將手肘放到桌上。. 不可直接從大盤子取菜享用(要先將菜餚取一些放到自己的小盤,然後才開始 ...

  7. Ski, play, photograph and drink your way through Furano. Furano is a large expanse of rolling hills that lead up to Mt. Tokachi. Situated along the Sorachi River, Furano belongs to Furano-Ashibetsu Nature Park. Because of its position in the heart of Hokkaido , Furano is nicknamed the "navel town." There's even a festival to celebrate it.

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