雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月11日 · 平治 Mercedes-Benz 4 大汽油房車系列 平治 Mercedes-Benz 多年來也沿用 A、C、E 及 S 作為旗下汽油房車型號系列,A 系列採用揭背設計;C 系列屬中型四門房車;E 系列車身空間較大,而 S 系列則是旗艦級型號,無論空間及設備均是各系列中頂級之列。

  2. 2021年9月27日 · 1. Pay attention to insurance age limits and claims conditions. Countless golf insurance sets a minimum and maximum age limit for their policyholders. Alternatively, they may list out that upon reaching a certain age (e.g. 66 years old and up), you will only be eligible to receive half of the compensation. 2.

  3. 2020年8月6日 · 2,968 charging stations in Hong Kong. First Registration Tax (FRT) waived up to $97,500 for Electric Cars until 31 March 2021. "One-for-One Replacement" Scheme offers FRT concession up to $250,000 until 31 March 2021. 73 electric vehicles (EV) models approved by the Transport Department, of which 51 are models for private cars and motorcycles.

  4. 2023年10月24日 · 標榜慳油的車款類型愈出愈多,由代步腳車、家庭車及 SUV 外,甚至價值數百萬的豪華車都講求慳油。今次快而保為大家推薦 10 部慳油車,有新車亦有值得留意的慳油二手車,更重要是究竟如何才算慳油,甚麼原因令部車愈揸愈嘥油?即刻同大家逐樣講!

  5. 2018年2月28日 · Under the new rules of the “One for One Replacement” scheme, the government has relented on two of the three above-mentioned requirements: (i) The requirement for the car to be registered for at least six years remains unchanged. (ii) Applicants are now only required to have been the registered owner of an old car for 18 months or more ...

  6. 2021年2月16日 · Fret not, generally, renting a car in Hong Kong is easy. You only need to follow these few steps: 1. Inquire through the Internet or telephone. Of course, before you start, it's best to compare prices and do some research. You can call car rental companies directly, or reach out through the Internet. Get to know the car rental process, required ...

  7. 第三者汽車保險是本港法例的基本要求,保障第三方的權益,但不會為投保車主及座駕提供任何保障。. 了解更多. 快而保比較全港逾 60 間保險公司的汽車保險 (全保及三保) 報價,當中全保更涵蓋汽車損毀、第三者人身傷亡與財物損失等基本保障,加上特低墊底 ...

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