雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. evian® natural spring water contains only naturally occurring electrolytes from the French Alps. As our water travels it collects a unique blend of minerals and electrolytes giving evian its distinctive, cool, crisp taste.

  2. Exclusive offer for HOD members. Purchase up to 3 cases, FREE delivery service! Taste the NEW evian experience. evian Sparkling is now available! Let the extra sparkles take your experience to new heights! View All. Official Website. Privacy Policy. Terms & conditions.

  3. 經常一起買的貨品. K21837, evian, (原箱) 法國 依雲 天然礦泉水 330ml x24 (香港原裝正貨) (新舊包裝隨機發送), 原裝香港行貨 Hong Kong Official Imported. 此產品可能含有防腐劑等添加物。.

  4. evian依雲氣泡水讓舌尖細嘗細緻口感, 提升您的用餐體驗. evian 依雲天然礦泉水源自法國阿爾卑斯山天然冰川,歷經15年的冰川淬鍊,受嚴格保護之水源區,卓越的礦物質平衡,口感柔順純淨法國母嬰用水第一品牌。.

  5. evian依雲法國天然礦泉水官方宅配網站,源自法國阿爾卑斯山 ,含礦物鹽鈣與鎂,法國母嬰用水第一品牌,全球多間米其林星級餐廳指定使用 首頁 evian

  6. [註 1] (法語: Évian , 法語發音: [evjɑ̃] ),是來自數個靠近 法國 埃維昂萊班 水源的一個 礦泉水 品牌 ,位於 日內瓦湖 南岸,與瑞士的洛桑隔岸相望。. 依雲礦泉水公司(SAEME)由法國跨國公司 達能集團 所有,為僅次於 雀巢 飲用水公司銷量世界二的 ...

  7. evian® natural spring water contains only naturally occurring electrolytes from the French Alps. As our water travels it collects a unique blend of minerals and electrolytes giving evian its distinctive, cool, crisp taste.

  8. 24 hours online purchase mineral water from France, enjoy free delivery upon purchasing 3 packs.

  9. About evian Natural Mineral Water vian Natural Mineral Water is naturally filtered for 15 years through a single source in the French Alps that is untouched by man and absorbs unique minerals on its journey (through layers of glacial rocks) so that you can replenish yourself in every part of yours.

  10. evian依雲天然礦泉水 源自於大自然奇蹟—法國阿爾卑斯山脈中心,山頂的融雪必須經歷15年的歷程才能從山腳下的泉眼流出。 天然冰川,不僅使這些水得到淨化 , 更賦予其獨特滋味和卓越的礦物質平衡,是絕對天純淨的優質好水。

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