雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Personal Revolving Loan has a flexible repayment amount. Once approved, you don’t have to reapply. Resolve your urgent financial needs now! ... With PROMISE revolving loan, I can get fund whenever I need and ensure more stable cash flow! Mr. Wong 30

  2. 可持續發展 貫徹助人精神 與您共同成長 自1992年開業至今,邦民一直以專業至誠的服務態度,為香港人解決燃眉之急。業務以外,我們都同樣以香港為家,透過不同的活動策劃,實踐ESG及可持續發展理念,致力推動環境保護、回饋社會、加強企業管治,共同建設美好將來。

  3. Can't find what you need from the FAQ section? PROMISE is here to help! Submit your enquiry or opinions via the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3

  4. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

  5. 3199 1199. 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。. 根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。. 所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定:. 貸款額:HK$200,000. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免.

  6. The interest of Promise's loan is calculated on a daily basis, and the interest shall be reduced together with the principal. After the deduction of interest payable, the remaining amount of the payment will be treated as part of the outstanding principal repayment.