雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 5 天前 · MAC Address lookup. Search vendor,manufacturer or organization of a device by MAC/OUI address. Just input the MAC address or the OUI and you will be shown the name, address, and country of its vendor. In addition, we provide information on the history of MAC

  2. 2024年9月7日 · 這則訊息提到了第三方支付的發展,以及虛擬帳號、超商條碼繳款等支付方式的使用。閱聽人需要特別留意的地方在於訊息中提到了詐騙橫行的情況,檢察官在追查過程中感到無奈,這可能意味著這些支付方式被不肖份子利用進行詐騙活動。

  3. 2024年9月14日 · Posted in 一袋女王 小姐不熙娣 2024-09-23 浩南哥的場誰敢來踩界?! 最帥的扛霸子鄭伊健來了!

  4. 6 天前 · For the low price of $200k you can freeze yourself. Freeze yourself so that one day you can reach immortality. One day in the future, if someone can figure out how to make humans immortal - all they have to do is thaw you out.  It’s a luxury only the wealthy can afford.  In T

  5. 1 天前 · B4 BB E5 A5 87 E9 8B 90 E9 80 B2 E8 A3 9C Switch 2 E5 85 A8 E9 9D A2 E5 8D 87 E7 B4 9A E4 BE 9B E9 8F 88 E4 B8 8A E5 88 86 E7 84 A1 E4 BA BA E6 A9 9F E5 9C 8B E5 AE B6 E9 9A 8A E8 AA 93 E5 B8 AB E8 B5 B4 E6 B5 B7 E5 A4 98 ...

  6. 1 天前 · MAC Address Lookup RESTful API We have a free, simple to use RESTful API available for you to use in your own applications! Our simple to use RESTful API makes it easy to implement into any application you are building. Check out our API!