雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日本威士忌品牌販售有混合與單一麥芽威士忌,有興趣的朋友不妨參考以下六款適合入門者的日本威士忌。. 1. SUNTORY 山崎(單一麥芽威士忌). 鳥井信治郎所建的「山崎蒸餾所」,不僅是日本第一間蒸餾所,生產的威士忌「山崎」更是獲獎無數, 口感溫和,香氣 ...

  2. Persimmons: Only $1,000 Each! Fruit Weird Japan. One of the weird and fun things about Japan are insanely expensive fruits. Including a box of persimmons that fetched 100,000 yen in the season’s first auction in Ishikawa Prefecture.

  3. 2022年6月21日 · 日本购物:护肤——从开架到专柜,7款洁面产品测评&解密!. 邀请到资深日系护肤品牌体验官sweetkiki带来日本药妆护肤产品系列揭秘文!. 绝对不容错过!. 大家好我是Sweetkiki,在日本生活多年,很开心能在All About Japan这个平台介绍护肤产品使用心得。. 相信不 ...

  4. 2016年4月22日 · The Ainu are the indigenous inhabitants of Japan’s northern-most island of Hokkaido. The Ainu also populated the Kuril and Sakhalin islands. Hokkaido, called Ezo until 1869, was acquired by Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1868) purposed to be a buffer for protection from Russia. But it wasn’t until 1947 that Hokkaido was awarded ...

  5. 2019年12月2日 · Itoya is a famous chain of high-quality stationery shops scattered throughout Japan. But the Ginza branch in Tokyo is just a little bit more special. Itoya Ginza is a 12-story stationery wonderland. Each floor is dedicated solely to a different theme, including pens, greeting cards and paper. The paper floor itself showcases over 1,000 ...

  6. 2018年6月14日 · 不论是3餐还是送人的伴手礼,现在除了土产店你还有更好的选择。日本的大型超市层出不穷,商品及服务比起以往也更加多样化。现在的超市不再只是卖菜的地方,在超市逛个1.2个小时更不奇怪。让我们来看看日本有哪几家好逛又好买的知名大型超市

  7. KIT KAT的鮮紅色包裝,應該是大家想到KIT KAT時第一個浮在腦海裡的印象。 在全世界幾乎都買得到的KIT KAT,其實在每個國家的味道都不一樣,尤其是日本的KIT KAT已經進化成有自己獨特的Style了,今天讓我們來介紹KIT KAT的8個小祕密,看完後大家都會想馬上飛去日本大採購一番!

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