雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 目前仍眾說紛紜,先前不少消息都表示官方將延後推出Switch 2,近期再有最新爆料指出,其實新主機的硬體規格早已確定,就看任天堂什麼時候要 ...

  2. Aside from the size difference, there are a few other differences between the original PlayStation 5 and the Slim model. While both units offer the same amount of power, the Slim version does have ...

  3. 有客人房時只填3人,實際上卻有5人要入住。(示意圖/翻攝自Pixabay) 有些家長帶小孩出門遊玩,不想多1間房或加床,讓業者感到為難。今(20 ...

  4. 為了獲得更逼真的駕駛體驗,相信不少喜歡駕駛模擬器的玩家都會購買軚盤配件,最近廠商 Moza 發表的 TSW 就是一款為貨車模擬駕駛愛好者特別設計 ...

  5. 交通部觀光署公布清明節4天連續假期房數據,假期平均房率為45.45%,較去年下降5.18個百分點,觀光署推測,今年連假比去年少一天,影響到 ...

  6. 值得注意的是,連江縣4月4日到6日的房率都在6成以上,是全台唯一的縣市,推測是因為4月份開始的藍眼淚季節,帶動觀光旅遊跟房率。. 觀光署 ...

  7. Sony is likely to release a refreshed version of the PlayStation 5 this year, analysts told CNBC, after the company cut its forecast for sales of its flagship console. The move would be designed ...