雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 網上保單服務. 萬通保險的「網上保單服務」系統,讓客戶可方便快捷地隨時處理保單事項,包括:查閱保單狀況、更改投資選擇分配比率及轉換投資選擇等。 登入/登記. 流動財策及服務平台. YFLink 服務及資訊應用程式. 多元化的功能讓你可以隨時、隨地、隨心管理個人保單、強積金及僱員福利服務。 按此了解更多YFLink. iWealth 投資大計應用程式.

  2. YF Life Insurance International Ltd. is not a subsidiary or a group company of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. Our website uses cookies to give you the best user experience. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our privacy policy.

  3. 萬通保險. 萬通保險將卓有遠見的領導能力與嶄新的金融科技融匯一體。. 憑藉創新科技,我們為港澳、大灣區以至其他地區的個人及家庭,提供富競爭力,兼具環球視野及保險智慧的服務。. 我們不斷求變以迎接保險的未來,但仍然不忘初心。. 我們細心及專業 ...

  4. 按此了解與萬通保險聯絡的各種方式,包括:熱線電話、客戶服務中心地址或以聯絡表格內提交疑問。.

  5. YF Life - Advisor Enquiry System. English. 歡迎使用 萬通保險 - 顧問查詢系統 [1] 為閣下資料保密安全著想,我們强烈建議閣下不應使用公共電腦或供公眾使用的無線網絡進入本系統,並於使用本系統前確保閣下的電腦已安裝最新的防毒軟件及防間諜軟件,以保護閣下的電腦免受病毒或惡意程式的侵襲。 版權 / 私隱聲明.

  6. A whole life insurance plan tailored for the elderly, with no medical examination required. more. Life Insurance. FLEXI-ULife Prime Saver Insurance Plan. Prestige-ULife Insurance Plan. Guaranteed Acceptance Insurance Plan. Respected Choice Life Insurance Plan. Wealth Builder Life Insurance Plan.

  7. YF Life Insurance International Limited is a member of publicly listed Yunfeng Financial Group Limited, whose major shareholders include Yunfeng Financial Holdings Limited and Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, one of the “Five Largest US Mutual Life Insurance Companies”.

  8. 首選靈活萬用壽險計劃 極具靈活彈性的萬用壽險計劃,保障儲蓄兼備,以配合人生不同階段的不同需要 優裕萬用壽險 特為尊貴人士而設的萬用壽險計劃,保障額由100萬美元起

  9. Our Company has been renamed "YF Life Insurance International Ltd." You will now be redirected to our new website at www.yflife.com to browse relevant information. Life Insurance. Children Plan. Term Insurance. Medical Insurance. Accident Benefits. Critical Illness Benefits. Disability Benefits.

  10. Prestige-ULife frees you from the rigid limitations of traditional life insurance by offering you unmatched flexibility. The Sum Insured, premium amount and even payment periods can be adjusted at any time so as to accommodate changes in your financial situation.

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