雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。

  2. We acknowledge the importance of developing talented professionals for business growth. In order to bring in fresh ideas, build new momentum for the Bank as well as with its Corporate Social Responsibility as inspiration, Bank of China (Hong Kong) is committed to ...

  3. 1 香港金融研究院 Hong Kong Financial Research Institute 疫情對離岸人民幣市場拆息的影響分析 2020 年伊始,新型冠狀病毒疫情繼續發酵,統計顯示新 增確診及疑似病例不斷攀升。與此同時,衡量離岸人民幣流 動性的關鍵指標— 離岸人民幣香港銀行同業拆息

  4. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  5. 1 香港金融研究院 Hong Kong Financial Research Institute 黃金與日圓走勢背道而馳 新冠肺炎持續擴散、英國與歐盟的談判艱鉅、貿易保護主義抬 頭、以及地緣政治風險此起彼落等,金融市場充斥較高的不確定 性,投資者的避險情緒有所升温。

  6. Career Bank of China (Hong Kong) is committed to building a dynamic and rewarding workplace for our employees to pursue their career prospects and development goals.Bank of China (Hong Kong) is now seeking high-calibre talent to join us and be part of the winning team!

  7. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。

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