雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. First Contribution Calculator. The calculator is only applicable for calculating the first contributions for employees (other than casual employees) between the ages of 18 and 65. The calculator should not be used to calculate first contributions for employees who transfer employment between companies due to change of business ownership or ...

  2. HSBC Hong Kong - Accounts, Insurance, Credit Cards, Loans

  3. The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus is a mandatory provident fund scheme. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy (the ‘DIS’). You should note that the DIS Constituent Funds, namely, the Core ...

  4. 4 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司2021年中期業績報告 財務回顧 除另有説明外,本財務回顧內的評述均為就本集團於截至2021年6月 30日止半年及截至2020年6月30日止半年的財務表現之比較。 業績評述 本集團的列賬基準除稅前利潤為505.07億港元,減少11.6億港

  5. 限期前全數支付供款 你必須於有關供款日或之前,為僱員的每一個支薪期(又稱供款期)遞交供款詳情及全數支付供款。 一般而言,僱主應該為按月支薪的非臨時僱員於供款期結束所在月份的下一個月的第10日或以前支付供款。

  6. HSBC Hong Kong - Accounts, Insurance, Credit Cards, Loans

  7. 滙豐外幣兌換服務. 立即查看滙豐外幣匯率走勢圖,參考過去3年内11種主要貨幣兌港元的匯率走勢,回顧外幣表現,了解外匯動向,輕鬆把握外幣買賣先機。.