雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2017年1月26日 · 上图是静冈县伊豆市修缮寺的新井旅馆 我们按日文的发音顺序做了这些卡片插图,因此你很容易就能了解到这些约定俗成的规矩。 其中有些你可能已经知道,而另外一些,你就需要好好注意了。 日本的旅馆可以让人非常放松,但也有一些暗藏玄机,读了本文以后,参考我们给出的建议和解释,就不 ...

  2. 2016年12月22日 · 鸟居,通往神域的入口. 在神社入口处,往往能看见两个大红柱子做成的一道门,这道门的日语叫“鸟居”。. 鸟居有什么功能,有事怎么来的呢,今天和大家聊几个和“鸟居”有关的话题。. 简单地说,鸟居是凡间通往神域的入口,某种程度上,可以把鸟居理解 ...

  3. 2015年12月28日 · en.rocketnews24.com. Osechi ryori is arguably the most important meal of the year, each dish serving as a symbol or wish for the coming year. The food is even eaten in a special way by using chopsticks that are rounded on both ends; one side for humans to use, one side for the gods. Let’s take a look at the meanings behind some of these dishes!

  4. 2018年1月17日 · 6. Hachioji Castle (Western Tokyo) Hachioji Castle was built in the late 1570s, transforming virtually all of Mount Fukazawa into an impregnable fortress. Even today, the mountain is better known as Shiroyama: Castle Mountain. The Hojo were the most most powerful clan in the Kanto region in the late 16th century.

  5. 2016年9月12日 · The 6 Coolest & Most Unusual Lawson Stores. While Lawson is known for its simple blue and white signs, there are more than a few times when the convenience store chain has stepped outside the box and made something truly unique—sometimes taking the concept of "convenience" to a whole new level! 6. Dragon Quest Lawson (Akihabara, Tokyo) Lawson ...

  6. 2022年5月23日 · 江户切子(えどきりこ),前面的“江户”二字指的是这种工艺出现的时间和地点。. 江户切子最早出现于江户时代(1603年-1868年),它的发源地也是江户——现在的东京。. 而“切子”这个词,在日文里指的是雕花玻璃器皿。. 现在的“江户切子”已经成为了 ...

  7. 2022年9月21日 · Butoh (舞踏), also referred to as Ankoku Butoh (暗黒舞踏, “dance of darkness”), is a somewhat inscrutable, avant-garde form of Japanese dance theater that's defined by its ability to avoid categorization and standard definition. It encompasses a wide variety of movements, activities and aesthetic practices into a performance art ...

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