雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 殯儀「服務」. 「葬儀舍」提供專業及值得信賴的一站式殯儀服務,為逝者規劃一個周詳並且溫馨莊重的告別禮,陪伴家屬渡過哀傷時刻。. 從生前規劃,到安排政府文件至撰寫訃聞,或是提供喪禮後的哀傷支援,矢志為家屬提供全面的殯儀服務,並照顧每一個 ...

  2. White Lily: Peace, Honor and Hope. Through our funeral services in Hong Kong, White Lily passionately creates opportunities for families and friends to honor their loved ones while receiving comfort and healing. Funerals in Hong Kong are often associated with traditional rituals or conventional funeral homes.

  3. a (usually religious) ceremony for burying or burning the body of a dead person. 葬禮,喪禮. The funeral will be held next Friday. 葬禮將在下週五舉行。 Over 300 mourners attended the funeral. 300多名哀悼者參加了葬禮。 a funeral procession 送葬的隊伍. 减少例句. She looked remarkably composed throughout the funeral. A large black hearse led the funeral procession.

  4. 奠禮儀式. 葬禮及之後. 專人解答有關殯葬喪禮細節及價錢問題. 協助辦理及領取死亡証,火葬紙/土葬紙等文件. 更多服務….. 提供尼姑唸經. 提供法事. 供應紙紥,具備燒爐方便化寶. 潔體化妝,防腐. 完整設備提供放先人照片服務. 供應壽衣/香燭/紅白被/孝服. 供應花圈/花牌. 佈置設靈房間/禮堂. 供應祭品. 供應灰盅選擇. 運載遺體往外地及從返港. 備有靈車隊送別先人. 備有輪椅用的電梯,方便傷殘人仕進出. 我們的承諾. 誠信….關心….尊重. 我們本著服務市民的宗旨,讓先人能極盡哀榮的離開塵世,讓後人以坦然安穩之心一盡孝道,涓涓流水,連綿不息。 我們確保以負責任及合符道德方式營運,把人道孝道精神延續下去。 -無隱藏,費用列明. -豐儉由人. -細心聆聽及尊重離世者後事的意願.

  5. 承福社企服務有限公司服務齊全,提供多款殯儀套餐選擇。. 我們的殯儀服務包括為逝者在香港各大殯儀館及多間教堂籌辦喪禮服務,由安排政府文件至撰寫訃聞,以至哀傷(情緒)支援及法律諮詢等,我們細心地照顧每一個微小的細節,務求為逝者家屬提供最 ...

  6. Founded by the late Mr. Siu Ming in the 1930s, we are Hong Kong's most experienced funeral service provider. Throughout our history, we have conducted services in all styles and scale and earned our widespread reputation as a household name for providing the highest level of professional service for generations.

  7. Funeral planning. Transportation of the deceased. Proceeding of funeral ceremony. Burial/Cremation and after care. Our designated staff will answer queries on funeral related matters and provide quotations. Assistance in the handling and collection of the death certificate, cremation/burial permit and related documents. Further Services.

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