雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. There are a number of ways you can prepare for your IELTS test. These include online coaching to help you prepare for IELTS at home, or (in most countries) face-to-face preparation courses, workshops and seminars if you’d rather interact in person. You can also access a number of online resources and IELTS study materials from the British ...

  2. If you are taking the IELTS test and want to maximise your potential and chances of success, this 45-hour course provides you with essential exam strategies and valuable practice in key language areas. The course offers you invaluable practice and teacher guidance when completing test assignments. Timely feedback is available from the tutor ...

  3. IELTS 考試費用 所有考試類別統一為:HKD$2,090.00 IELTS 考試模式 考生可以選擇以紙筆模式或電腦模式應考,但說話考試必須與考官面對面應考。兩者的應考題目一樣,但紙筆模式的考核結果會於試後14日公佈,電腦模式的結果則會於試後5-7日公佈。

  4. 雅思 IELTS 全名為國際英語測試系統,是廣泛認可的英語能力統一水平測試,亦是預期前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作必備的證書。BEx 針對訓練學員開辦各階段 IELTS 應試預備課程,由資深英語導師拆解各分卷重點,教授寫作、聆聽、會話;語法、句子以及詞彙運用,強化學員英語能力。

  5. IELTS報名後,馬上就要配合最有質素保證的課程,於短時間內掌握重點。. IELTS Prep Support 重點精讀課程設有7分保證計劃,課程進度及內容根據學生的英語水平及 學習目標 設計,並幫助學生考試達至理想的分數,所有符合指定英語程度要求及參與計劃的學生必須 ...

  6. Our IELTS preparation resources in Hong Kong includes everything from free sample past papers to speaking test samples, seminars and pre-recorded videos, so there’s something in our library to help every student sharpen both their written and oral English skills. Our resources also offer comprehensive IELTS preparation exercises to help you ...

  7. The IELTS Preparation courses in this specialization are intended for those seeking to boost their scores on the IELTS exam. Whether you have taken the test before, these courses will help you to become more familiar with the various types of questions on the test. The many tips and strategies demonstrated in the courses will prepare you to ...

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