雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 葉謝鄧律師行 - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors - 收費大眾化 | 專業可靠. 29年經驗 專業可靠. 你的一站式專業法律顧問. 成立於1994年,律師團隊30人,後勤員工更已過百人. 17辦事地址電話. 網上查詢. 關於收費: 1. 網站所列收費,乃「一般常見收費數目」,用作參考,並無約朿性。 2. 最終收費可能比列出收費為高,原因大多因為案件麻煩、花時或複雜。 3. 最終收費按同事了解案件後報價,及後簽署委託書,才告作準。 4. 查詢者若在查詢時不接納報價,可以在本行外,另外尋求專業協助。 法律服務範疇. 認識我們. 雄厚資本 領先科技 專業可靠.

  2. 如緊急查詢,請致電熱線電話: 6379-9999. 本行一星期7天工作,全港多間辦事處,遍佈中環、金鐘、灣仔、銅鑼灣、北角、旺角、長沙灣、觀塘、新蒲崗、沙田、荃灣、大埔、上水、元朗、屯門,內地更設有駐廣州代表處。. 全天候查詢熱線電話: +852 63799999 (電話 ...

  3. The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by

  4. Founded in 1994, the law firm now has more than 30 lawyers, 3 notaries, over 20 civil celebrant of marriages and more than 150 employed staff. We have 18 offices located in different parts of Hong Kong. Convenience, prompt service, affordable fee are our motto.

  5. 關於我們 - 葉謝鄧律師行 - YIP, TSE & TANG, Solicitors. 葉謝鄧律師行於1994年創辦開業,至今服務港人超過29年,法律經驗豐富。 過去十年,以持續發展、永續經營為目標,自置部分辦公物業和過萬呎檔案倉庫,保存客戶重要檔案記錄;招攬培育人才,發掘法律專才,律師30人,後勤員工已過100人,規模擠身眾律師行的頭8%, 17個辦事處 遍佈香港九龍新界,內地更設有駐廣州代表處。 以領先IT技術管理檔案和進度流程,提供優質卓越的法律服務,增加客戶滿意度。 雄厚資本 領先科技 專業可靠. 葉謝鄧一直站在網絡技術應用的前沿,開發了獨家的 e-Dove.com 平台,讓客戶能夠適時知道案件進度,從而使客戶感到安心。

  6. We have 17 Hong Kong lawyers. We provide legal service in Hong Kong. The legal services include notary public, divorce in Hong Kong Family Courts, bankruptcy applications in Hong Kong High Court, Marriage Solemnization at law offices.

  7. Yip Tse & Tang solicitors & notaries provide legal services on Civil Litigation, Criminal Defence, Divorce Application. A Hong Kong law firm popular on local legal services, drafting pre-nuptial contracts, separation deeds. Over 30 Hong Kong lawyers serving the legal needs of Hong Kong businesses and population.

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