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  3. 2006年8月31日 · Uwants.com 想問大家幾樣關於zurich vista 3 25年期PLAN的問題 首先,個PLAN話3年唔郁(SUSPENDED)就會收SURRENDER CHARGE. 咁係咪代表供完頭18個月後,我每三年比一次PREMIUM都可以維持個PLAN而唔會有額外收費? 其次,ICP果PART既管理費係4%+0.7 ...

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  6. 2006年8月31日 · 想問大家幾樣關於zurich vista 3 25年期PLAN的問題. 首先,個PLAN話3年唔郁 (SUSPENDED)就會收SURRENDER CHARGE. 咁係咪代表供完頭18個月後,我每三年比一次PREMIUM都可以維持個PLAN而唔會有額外收費? 其次,ICP果PART既管理費係4%+0.75% (POLICY MANAGEMENT CHARGE)+0.75% (ZURICH INTERNATIONAL LIFE ...

  7. In terms of regular premium business, ZIL is a market leader among the offshore insurers. Vista is a unit-linked regular premium plan, marketed by Zurich as a savings vehicle for financial planning purposes such as savings, retirement, and education fees. The individual Vista is accompanied by corporate and group pension solutions.

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    zurich vista 3