雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. China data review (April 2024) [@source-wind-hsbc] Industrial production growth picked up to 6.7% y-o-y in April, from 4.5% y-o-y in March, likely helped by a push from equipment upgrading policies (e.g. targeted relending facilities) despite a higher base. Of note, the growth of higher-end manufacturing production activities stayed elevated at ...

  2. 2024年5月27日 · 2024年5月27日. 概要. 中國內地和香港股市今年上揚,第二季動力強勁,屬環球股市最強勁的表現之一。 去年底,通脹回落和增長向好,預示了最為溫和的軟著陸前景。 但在第一季,連續三次熾熱的通脹報告使預期需重新調整。 4月,這些憂慮加上利率偏高較長時間造成的影響再次構成打擊,政府債券息率急升。 受惠於外匯、股票和商品市場的利好環境,對沖基金在2024年初表現強勁。 「趨勢追蹤」策略,例如管理期貨(把握市場的方向走勢)表現最強。 本周重點圖表——目前為止,勢不可擋. 美國第一季財報季度即將結束,而英偉達上周公佈的業績和指引非常強勁,提振了標普500指數的整體表現,帶動指數創新高。 英偉達的業績具有影響力,因該公司經歷數月強勁升勢後,於指數佔有重大權重。

  3. 2024年5月9日 · Five reasons to consider Securitised Credit. Yield pick-up: Securitised Credit can offer a yield premium compared to traditional bond instruments. Floating rate exposure: Securitised Credit, which is largely a floating rate, offers a spread above a short-term reference interest rate. The yield usually follows the moves in interest rates.

  4. 2024年5月16日 · In our economists’ view, the higher tariffs are unlikely to have a significant impact on overall US-China trade flows, given: (1) most of these goods were already subject to additional duties, (2) the targeted goods comprise just 4% of total US imports from China, (3) it was widely expected that existing Section 301 tariffs would be retained, an...

  5. 2024年5月20日 · 概要. 對歐洲股市投資者來說,「過程更勝目標」這句格言今年或反映實況。 經濟環境改善、市場動力擴大,加上預期歐洲央行最快將於6月減息,均推動了歐元區股市上揚。 環球增長有擴大跡象,可能利好美國以外的風險資產,尤其是歐洲投資級別信貸,其交易價對比美國信貸已折讓一段時間,估值差距可能開始收窄。 環球上市基建的防守特質和可靠現金流,令其在投資組合中廣受歡迎。 但在過去兩年,實際利率高企拖累估值倍數,導致其表現落後於環球股市。 不過隨著減息將至,現時或浮現機遇。 本周重點圖表——中國發行超長期債券的提振. 中國當局為提振經濟動力而推出的政策支援已持續數月。 本周最新採取了可能屬最有力的行動:確認發行新一輪1萬億元人民幣(1,400億美元) 的超長期政府債券。

  6. 2024年5月13日 · FX Viewpoint: The GBP to take a turn for the worse. 13 May 2024. Special warning. HSBC prepared this video based on the information that it believes to be reliable at the time of shooting. However, the FX market moves very quickly and the views presented in the video may no longer be up-to-date and are subject to change without notice.

  7. 2024年5月12日 · 13 May 2024. Key takeaways. In recent weeks, there’s been a reversal of fortune for Chinese stocks, outperforming indices across both developed and emerging markets. Crucially, policy measures have shored up confidence, with the Politburo signalling ongoing assistance on both the monetary and fiscal fronts.