雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月26日 · On April 27, the Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center released the world's first full-size humanoid robot “Tiangong” with pure electric drive and anthropomorphic running, which can run stably at a speed of 6 km/h. This is also its self-developed general humanoid ...

  2. 今年以來,券商板塊上市公司頻頻宣佈回購股份。近日發佈的新“國九條”明確“引導上市公司回購股份後依法註銷”。證監會此前也多次提出,推動優質上市公司積極開展股份回購,引導更多公司回購註銷。“券商回購的積極影響主要體現在提振投資者信心、響應政策號召等方面。

  3. 2024年4月27日 · Breakings · Apr 27 04:44. Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the China Passenger Federation, wrote that recently, 7 departments including the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Automobile Trade-In Subsidies Implementation Rules”, clarifying the automobile trade-in financial subsidy policy.

  4. news.futunn.com › hk › flashDocument

    2024年5月14日 · 歐洲央行執委連恩表示,即使近期通膨前景有些動盪,預計2025年通膨將朝目標邁進。. 譯文內容由第三人軟體翻譯。. 以上內容僅用作資訊或教育之目的,不構成與富途相關的任何投資建議。. 富途竭力但無法保證上述全部內容的真實性、準確性和原創性。. 本頁 ...

  5. 2024年4月25日 · Alibaba's Hong Kong stock rose more than 7%, and the former “Air Force” pioneer Citron is expected to soar by more than 20% “Hedge Fund Legend” Taper Q1 made a big deal to increase its stock positions! Slash Nvidia positions Big Bank Rating | Damo: Lowering SMIC's target price to HK$13.8, the semiconductor industry is expected to recover in the second half of the year

  6. 2024年5月14日 · Game Station and AMC Cinemas both rose by about 100%; China Securities generally fell before the market, and Ali fell nearly 5%. Tesla's layoffs to the core? The fate of the overcharged team has been reversed, and Musk is recalling it again! Spotgold traded as low as $4 to $2323.18 per ounce on Monday.

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