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  1. 2024年5月13日 · 1.5K 16:07. Identity England. Forwarded from Paul Joseph Watson. A German politician has been found guilty of ‘incitement’ by a district court after she posted a link to the government’s own statistics on crimes committed by migrants, specifically rape, and asked why they are so disproportionately high.

  2. 2024年5月16日 · 總統蔡英文將在520卸任,日前傳出她有意在卸任前「特赦前總統陳水扁」引起多方討論。據傳,幕僚單位研議,將聲請沒收扁家已扣案的11億元不法所得。《TVBS新聞網》舉辦網路投票,若特赦陳水扁,請問您是否支持?

  3. 2024年5月21日 · Blair Cottrell. Forwarded from Noticer News. A Year 7 girl was bashed by 15 female students at Melton Secondary College, Melbourne, on Friday and taken to hospital in a serious condition. Now a mother has revealed the attackers were Sudanese, and says African gangs cause constant violence.

  4. 2024年5月18日 · Nick Griffin. 0:37. A sad video in which a legless Ukrainian war veteran asks the authorities why he doesn’t have enough money to feed his family. The answer is simple: Ukraine is a Western client state, run to Western 'values'. And NO Western state has EVER looked after former soldiers, whether fit or disabled.

  5. 11.7K subscribers. 📣・PNP Directory. Please open Telegram to view this post. VIEW IN TELEGRAM. 51.9K edited 14:27. August 29, 2023.

  6. 2024年5月22日 · ⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money.

  7. 2024年5月17日 · برز الثعلب يوما ،في ثياب الواعظينا، أنمي ميغالو بوكس : الرح ال 🥊 الجزء الثاني الحلقة (9) الآن بالد بلجة العربية على سبيس باور فان 🤩 عبر الرابط التالي : https://t.ly/G4jXo أو عبر الرابط التالي : Spacepowerfans.com