雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Heritage Museum celebrates Pixar 30 Years of Animation: Hong Kong Celebration of Friendship and Family Exhibition.Artwork of Toy Story, Cars, Coco

  2. 在香港電子一條街(數碼產品街)你可以買到各種各樣的電子和數碼產品,例如iPhone,iPad,itouch,數碼相機,電視機,台式電腦,筆記本電腦等。 嚴格的說,電子一條街並不屬於香港市集。但是既然它與其他的市集相鄰,我們就在這裡談一談。如果你想購買電子方面的產品,你可以考慮在西洋菜街 ...

  3. The “Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza 2013” will feature dragon, lion & Chinese Unicorn dances highlighting Hong Kong’s traditional culture and festive ambience.

  4. Hong Kong 7-Eleven launches a special series of limited edition Hong Kong Disneyland Light Parade collectable toys from December 3rd, 2014.

  5. MACAU. As the famous cartoon character, Hello Kitty has countless fans around the world. This article briefs you where to purchase Hello Kitty products in Hong Kong.

  6. Hong Kong Disneyland offers Star Guest Program from 15th of March to 20th of May, which includes lots of privileges during your trip in the park. Shopping mall MegaBox also provides special activities cooperated with Hong Kong Disneyland.

  7. 從去年10月底《變形金剛4》在香港取景拍攝開始,整個香港就格外關注這部電影。. 甚麼時候會上映,都會有哪些香港的場景,一直是大家茶餘飯後的熱門話題。. 所以當導演邁克爾貝 (Michael Bay)突然決定《變形金剛4》的全球首映式於2014年6月19日在香港舉行,所有的 ...