雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月20日 · 概要. 市場對聯儲局重新燃起的鴿派希望以及相關風險偏好的上升近期令美元受挫。 不過,我們認為,未來幾星期進一步下跌的空間有限,部分原因在於美國利率較高。 避險情緒和歐洲的鴿派動向或將推動美元重回年初以來的高點。 美國經濟增長不及預期,加之股市造好,導致美元走軟. 美元最近遭受利率和風險情緒的雙重打擊 。 美國經濟活動數據弱於預期,加上4 月份通脹數據未能繼續高於預期(圖1)。 這重新燃起了市場對美國聯邦儲備局(簡稱「聯儲局」或「美聯準」)的鴿派期盼,並有助推動了風險偏好,使美元受壓。 進入聯邦公開市場委員會開會前的靜默期之前,聯儲局官員的講話可能是關鍵因素. 然而,對美元的雙重打擊也可能變成雙重利好力量。

  2. 2024年5月13日 · 1. The start of the Bank of England (BoE)’s rate-cutting cycle should see the GBP weaken. On 9 May, the BoE kept its key rate on hold at 5.25% for a sixth consecutive meeting. The monetary policy committee voted 7-2 for no change, with Deputy Governor Dave Ramsden joining Swati Dhingra in voting for a 25bp cut.

  3. 2024年5月12日 · 13 May 2024. Key takeaways. In recent weeks, there’s been a reversal of fortune for Chinese stocks, outperforming indices across both developed and emerging markets. Crucially, policy measures have shored up confidence, with the Politburo signalling ongoing assistance on both the monetary and fiscal fronts.

  4. 2024年5月23日 · Market expectations for Fed rate cuts have been on a roller-coaster ride, swinging from too enthusiastic in Q1 to quite conservative at the time of writing as inflation has proved stickier than expected. As rate cuts are just a matter of time, we lock in current attractive bond yields. In equities, we see a richer set of opportunities across geographies and sectors, driven by broadening global ...

  5. 6 天前 · Euro 2024! Investment Weekly: Euro 2024! 3 June 2024. Key takeaways. After rallying in Q1 2024, Japanese stocks have delivered a more subdued performance in Q2. A key reason has been weakness in the yen, which has fallen to multi-year lows against the US dollar.

  6. 2024年5月16日 · In our economists’ view, the higher tariffs are unlikely to have a significant impact on overall US-China trade flows, given: (1) most of these goods were already subject to additional duties, (2) the targeted goods comprise just 4% of total US imports from China, (3) it was widely expected that existing Section 301 tariffs would be retained, an...

  7. 2024年5月24日 · 27 May 2024. Key takeaways. Stock markets in mainland China and Hong Kong have rallied this year, with solid momentum in Q2 delivering one of the strongest performances in global equities. Late last year, disinflation and positive growth hinted at the prospect of the softest of soft landings for the economy.