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  1. 2024年5月17日 · 20 May 2024. Key takeaways. For investors in European stocks, the old adage that ‘it’s better to travel than arrive’ could ring true this year. An improving economic backdrop, broadening market momentum and expectations of an ECB rate cut as soon as June, have driven eurozone equities higher.

  2. 2024年6月1日 · Global Head of Wealth Insights, HSBC Wealth and Personal Banking. Key takeaways. April’s improved US inflation data and a less hawkish Fed tone suggest that a Fed rate cut is likely in September. While the ECB should be on track to cut rates in June, we have shifted our expectation for the BoE to start in August.

  3. 2024年5月24日 · 27 May 2024. Key takeaways. Stock markets in mainland China and Hong Kong have rallied this year, with solid momentum in Q2 delivering one of the strongest performances in global equities. Late last year, disinflation and positive growth hinted at the prospect of the softest of soft landings for the economy.

  4. 2024年5月23日 · Looking beyond the US and technology. Asia should benefit from the improving global outlook and strong domestic tailwinds, which should continue to uphold earnings momentum in India and South Korea. Continental Europe, the UK and Japan meanwhile are also gathering pace and rebounding from the bottom of their economic cycles.

  5. 2024年5月20日 · The Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) has common ground that patience regarding policy easing is warranted, given the run of upside surprises on inflation for much of 2024. But there are clear divisions on how long that patience should extend. There are only a couple of weeks to run to the pre-FOMC blackout period (which will begin on 1 June).

  6. 2024年5月27日 · 概要. 5 月22 日,紐西蘭儲備銀行傳遞出鷹派信號。 同樣,澳洲儲備銀行被視為維持「更長時間的限制性」政策立場。 我們預計,除非找到外部支撐,否則澳元和紐元在短期內或失去走強動力。 紐西蘭儲備銀行的立場比預期的更為鷹派. 5 月22 日,紐西蘭儲備銀行意外傳遞鷹派信號。 儘管紐西蘭儲備銀行維持政策利率在5.5%不變,但該行最新預測顯示,政策利率峰值提高至5.65%(此前預測為5.60%),以及減息時間將推遲到2025 年第三季(此前為2025 年第二季)。 紐西蘭儲備銀行討論了加息的可能性 ,不過它承認目前的總需求與供給能力基本符合。 我們認為,紐元的強勢似乎僅是曇花一現,並可能失去動力.

  7. 5 天前 · 5 June 2024. Key takeaways. US stocks and Treasuries rose after weak job openings data. European equities fell; government bonds rose. Indian stocks dropped as election results unfolded. Markets. US equities ended higher on Tuesday, as investors assessed recent data showing a cooling US economy and the Fed policy outlook. The S&P 500 edged up 0.2%.