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  2. Fotona激光鼻鼾治療顯著改善鼻鼾問題,無痛無副作用,快速有效,以後終於有覺好瞓。 Fotona激光鼻鼾槍,經醫學研究實證,有效改善打鼻鼾及呼吸停頓問題。堅持絕不硬銷,專業技術。


  1. 2024年5月15日 · 鸟越祭. 鸟越祭 是每年6月在东京老街浅草一带举办的例行庆典,其大神轿出巡会吸引许多观众。. 晚上还有灯笼点灯活动等,乐趣无穷。. 很推荐!. 东京6月进入富有情调的梅雨季,街道上蓝、紫色的绣球花恣意盛放,赏心悦目。. 这个时期室内外都有各种活动 ...

  2. 2024年5月15日 · 6月盛開的花不只有繡球花,花菖蒲的美姿也毫不遜色。. 若欲欣賞萬紫千紅的花菖蒲,推薦您參加在 堀切菖蒲園 及都立水元公園舉辦的「 葛飾菖蒲祭 」。. 另外像 小石川後樂園 (東京巨蛋附近)、明治神宮內苑、皇居東御苑的花菖蒲也很值得一看。.

    • Beer Gardens in Tokyo
    • Sanno Festival
    • Firefly Festivals
    • Hydrangea Festival
    • Japanese Iris Festival
    • Tokyo Aquariums
    • Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia
    • Torikoe Festival

    One great way for those over 20 (the legal drinking age in Japan) to cool off is at beer gardens. Almost anywhere you look—from the rooftops of department stores, to the beach at Odaiba, and the outer garden of Meiji Jingu Shrine—you'll find beer gardens serving food and drinks. Eager to escape the city center? Head west to Mt. Takao and enjoy Mt. ...

    Sanno Festivaltakes place in Akasaka, at Hie-jinja Shrine. Along with Kanda-matsuri Festival and Fukagawa Hachiman Matsuri, it's known as one of the three great festivals of Edo. At this traditional event, you can watch kagura dances with traditional musical accompaniment, and see a procession of children in costume. One highlight is the Jinkosai, ...

    Fireflies only appear around pristine bodies of water, and—if you're lucky—you can find some in Tokyo under the right conditions. From mid- to late June, Yuyake Koyake Fureai no Sato, located in Hachioji, hosts "Firefly Nights." There are also firefly events at Hana Biyori, next to Yomiuriland theme park. Fussa Firefly Festival, as the name indicat...

    Hydrangeas bloom in early summer, and they look stunning on a day of mist and gentle rain. Special festivals celebrate them, and perhaps the best known is Bunkyo Hydrangea Festival (Ajisai Matsuri) at Hakusan-jinja Shrine, which features approximately 3,000 hydrangea plants. At Takahata Fudoson Temple's hydrangea festival, you can enjoy the sight o...

    Hydrangeas aren't the only floral stars in June—Japanese irises, too, look fabulous. These vibrant flowers can be seen in many colors at the Katsushika Iris Festival (Shobu Matsuri) held at Horikiri Shobuen Iris Garden and Mizumoto Park. You can also enjoy them at the Koishikawa KorakuenGardens (near Tokyo Dome), Meiji Jingu's Inner Garden, and the...

    Go with the flow and spend a rainy day inside at one of Tokyo's many aquariums. Experience the soothing atmosphere of Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa, located near Shinagawa Station, which is achieved with diverse light and sound displays that differs by season, and by time of day. Shinagawa Aquarium, near Omori Kaigan, has popular sea lion and dolphin ...

    "Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia" is one of the largest international short film festivals in Asia and is officially recognized by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 2024, the festival will be held from Tuesday, June 4 through Monday, June 17 at several venues across Tokyo. The festival will present a collection of films...

    Spectators flock to see the mikoshi (portable shrine) parade at Torikoe Festival, an annual event that takes place in June near Asakusa in the old heart of Tokyo. Visitors can also enjoy evening lantern light-ups, and more.

  3. 2024年5月15日 · 日本可說是祭典文化盛行的國家。祭典在日文當中叫做「Matsuri」,旨在讚頌季節更迭、歷史事件或傳統文化。大部分的城市、小鎮及地區都有各自的祭典,有些甚至已有數百年的歷史。先不論您造訪東京的理由為何,若能在旅程中觀賞到祭典,甚至參與其中,想必會為您留下美好的回憶。

    • fotona 4d鼻鼾槍 討論1
    • fotona 4d鼻鼾槍 討論2
    • fotona 4d鼻鼾槍 討論3
    • fotona 4d鼻鼾槍 討論4
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  4. 4 天前 · EISA太鼓舞祭是沖繩在農曆盂蘭盆節時送祖先神靈離開,並祈禱家庭平安及繁榮的儀式。配合著大大小小的太鼓樂聲,跳著手舞的男男女女、三線琴樂師、地謠歌者、丑角等各表演者將會組成隊伍在街上載歌載舞。這場日本全國知名的沖繩傳統儀式舉辦於東京新宿,如今已是新宿的夏日風情畫。光是 ...

  5. 2024年5月17日 · 三社祭 三社祭. 三社祭. 東京都台東區淺草2-3-1. 2024-5-17 - 2024-5-19. Updated: June 3, 2024. ※2024年的活動已結束。. 據傳說,有一對名叫檜前濱成和檜前武成的兄弟在宮戶川(現隅田川)釣魚時,把佛教慈悲女神的觀音像拉了上來。. 該觀音像被一個名叫土師真仲知的 ...

  6. 2024年5月27日 · 6月. 春. 開放時間. ※開始與結束時間請至官方網站查詢。 ※根據天氣等原因可能會變更或取消。 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京北部 > 柴又 > 葛飾菖蒲祭. 自古以來,江戶地區的堀切菖蒲園即以花菖蒲聞名,堀切菖蒲園的風景甚至成為日本浮世繪大師歌川廣重與歌川豐國等人的作畫題材,而園內的花菖蒲多達200種6,000株。 水元公園則是東京都內唯一擁有水鄉景緻的公園,四季分明的美景令遊客沉醉其中。 現在這個時節,園內約有100種花菖蒲怒放盛開,數量約有1萬4,000株。 今年這兩座公園也將成為舉辦菖蒲祭的會場,祭典期間的週六與週日會舉行歌謠秀、遊行表演、點燈等各種活動,歡迎大家參考活動的時程前來共襄盛舉。