雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 一站式殯儀服務. 處理後事開支要預幾多錢? 生離死別是人生必經過程,但一般人亦未必有經驗處理身後事,容易對殯儀服務收費缺乏概念,在選購服務時感到困惑。 萬一遇上意外或者因病去世,大概要預留多少錢作喪禮費用? 1. 死亡登記費用. 入境事務處. 2. 殯儀服務收費. 殯儀館及殮葬商. 3. 墳場及火葬場費用. 食物環境衞生署. " 喪禮開支 總預算 " #1. 死亡登記費用. 根據香港法例第174章 《生死登記條例》 第14條,當親友離世後,家屬需要到相關的政府部門辦理死亡登記,完成後才可以 申請「死亡登記記項的核證副本」 ,俗稱 「死亡證」 。 辦理死亡登記 毋須繳費 ,而申領每份「死亡證」費用分別為 HK$140 (適用於親身領取/寄往本地) 及 HK$275 (海外申請)。 小貼士.

  2. 地址:紅磡暢行道6號. 殯儀服務查詢電話: 97939399. 寰宇殯儀館於2019年3月20號正式啟用 (前身為福澤殯儀館),位於九龍紅磡區其中一所殯儀館,鄰近萬國殯儀館及世界殯儀館,是東華三院營辦的殯儀館之一。 本公司提供殯儀套裝服務,以合理收費幫助先人走過最後路程,協助於寰宇殯儀館出殯及處理申請事宜。 詳情請致電或 WhatsApp 97939399 查詢。

  3. 另設自訂殯儀服務計劃 選擇更合適的服務歡迎致電查詢 9163 9331 或 電郵查詢. 我們全心為閣下敬愛的親友提供全面的一站式殯儀服務,由醫院辦理文件到喪葬禮儀的一切手續、棺木、儀式、場地、法事、花牌、旅遊巴士以及安排火化等事項,均有專人安排辦理 ...

  4. At our funeral service in Hong Kong, we understand the importance of compassion and professionalism during this difficult time. Let us help you create a fitting memorial ceremony in Hong Kong to your loved one’s life. Contact us today for personalized funeral

  5. 全包套餐會由專人安排靈堂守夜連出殯,辦理手續及文件代理、醫院領取遺體、靈堂租用及安排出殯儀式等一站式殯儀服務,為先人家屬妥善處理逝者身後事,無後顧之憂。. 同時,我們也提供豐富詳盡的殯儀資訊,. 包括:墳場及火葬場簡介、骨灰處理及暫存 ...

  6. 萬國殯儀館於1980年正式啟用,位於九龍紅磡區其中一所殯儀館,由東華三院營辦的殯儀館之一。. 萬國殯儀館樓高六層,備有4間大禮堂及18間靈寢室。. 地址: 九龍紅磡暢行道8號. 殯儀服務查詢電話: 97939399. 後一頁 寶福紀念館. 萬國殯儀館位於九龍紅磡區一所 ...

  7. A memorial service in Hong Kong hosts a ceremony which memorializes and honors the deceased after the body has been cremated or buried. Christian Funeral Service. Catholic Funeral Service. Non-Religious Funeral Service. Hospital/Mortuary Funeral Service. Buddhism Funeral Service. Other Religious Funeral Service.

  8. Founded by the late Mr. Siu Ming in the 1930s, we are Hong Kong's most experienced funeral service provider. Throughout our history, we have conducted services in all styles and scale and earned our widespread reputation as a household name for providing the highest level of professional service for generations.

  9. Choose an environmentally-friendly coffin or one suitable for cremation. Funeral service for cremation. Scatter the cremated ashes in a Garden of Remembrance or in Hong Kong waters. Apply to mount a commemorative plaque on the wall of the Garden of Remembrance.

  10. Here at White Lily, we believe every life is unique, precious, and deserving of a dignified ceremony to commemorate the end of the journey. Through its funeral services in Hong Kong, White Lily passionately creates opportunities for families and friends to honour their loved ones while receiving comfort and healing.

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