雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.hkicpa.org.hk › en › MembershipAnnual Fee

    Annual Fee. The Capital Fund is for purchase, improvement and/or expansion of office premises. Reduced membership fees are available to long term members when they have reached the following age on 1 January of the year respectively with 20 years or more membership.

  2. Students who register between 1 January and 31 December of the current year should pay for their first annual fee at the time of accepting assessment result and also the annual renewal fee for the next year after receiving the renewal notice on or before 31 January of the next year.

  3. t and/or expansion of office premises. Half year member annual fee for the year 2024 is HK$1,300 of which HK$ t is required for your re-application. Please check our website at https://www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Membership/Registration/ Renewal-requirements/CPA-Annual-Renewal-Requirements/Annual-Fee.

  4. Fees are paid in respect of the calendar year. Payment methods: Cash/ Credit card/ Alipay/ WeChat Pay . Only if you submit your application in person at our service counter. Please do not send cash by post to the Institute.

  5. Q1. What are the procedures in applying for membership? Q2. How much is the joining and member annual fee? Q3. How long will it take to process a membership application? Q4.

  6. preprod.hkicpa.org.hk › zh-HK › Become-a-Hong-Kong-CPA費用表

    申請人於註冊為學生的首年(即每年1月1日起至12月31日止)接受資歷評估結果時須同時繳付首年年費,並須於收到次年續會通知後的1月31日或以前繳付續約年費。 學生年費中的港幣30元將劃入資本基金,用途包括採購、改善及 / 或擴大辦公室。 不論昰因退學而通知公會註銷學生會籍的學生,或因逾期未繳年費或紀律處分等任何其他原因而從學生名冊中被除名的學生,均須在重新申請為學生時繳交重新註冊費。 申請人所需要支付的免考費總額,取決於他在評估結果中獲豁免的基礎單元總數。 如果豁免的單元是根據申請人在最近 5 年內所完成的公會已評審課程而獲得,則相應的單元免考費上限為 5 個單元。

  7. preprod.hkicpa.org.hk › zh-HK › Become-a-Hong-Kong-CPA申請及註冊

    在填寫申請表格前 ,請先閱讀 「網上申請指南 」,並了解所需要 費用 。 透過公會與 海外會計機構 簽署的協議 申請成為 QP 學生 , 申請人在提交申請前必須先確保自己能符合協議中列出的要求。 以下申請人應先聯絡資歷評審組(郵箱: students.reg@hkicpa.org.hk ):

  8. 專業資格. 於 2023年6月30日,公會會員人數由去年的46,947增至47,519,其中5,865名為資深會員。 男性及女性會員的分佈與去年相若;女性會員人數略為增長,佔整體會員51%。 QP學生. 於2023年6月30日,公會共有11,571名註冊學生。 專業資格課程(QP)學生當中,2,746名來自內地,其中637名為中國注冊會計師協會會員,2,109名為內地大學畢業生。 按性別統計,女性有6,883人,佔整體學生人數59%,而男性則有4,688人,佔41%。 本年度報考QP單元及最高級別課程的人數逾21,800名。

  9. preprod.hkicpa.org.hk › zh-HK › ToolsAnnual Renewal

    總數: 書籤 本地書籤 點選圖標 將書籤加入我的個人資料 本地書籤 書籤使用者資料 書籤使用者為空

  10. As of 30 June 2018, membership stood at 42,612, up from 41,332 last year, including 5,571 fellow members. There were 4,769 practising members at that date, up from 4,627 last year.

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