雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月26日 · 【明報專訊】China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe has made history by returning with samples from the far side of the moon. Exploration of the moon's far side is extremely difficult; the success of Chang'e-6 therefore marks a breakthrough in China's space technology and an important step towards establishing the International Lunar ...

  2. 2024年6月21日 · In the mid-1990s, tuition fees for Hong Kong's subsidised universities rose for three consecutive academic years, from $24,000 in the 1994/95 academic year to $42,100. However, since the year 1997/98, there have been no increases, and tuition fees have remained at the same level.

  3. 2024年6月26日 · Even though airport staff switched to methods such as making announcements over speakers and writing down information on whiteboards, some locals and visitors were still unable to receive boarding information in time due to the chaos at the scene, or

  4. 2024年6月5日 · One of the key points of the taxi reform through the fleet regime is to allow taxi bookings without metered pricing. Instead, drivers and passengers will negotiate the fare in advance, which is in line with the current practice of unlicensed online ride-hailing.

  5. 2024年6月13日 · Jonathan Sumption, one of the judges, even commented that "the rule of law in Hong Kong is in grave danger". However, Australian judge Patrick Keane, who remains in the Hong Kong top court, maintained that the city's judiciary remains independent. In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced turmoil and great change.

  6. 2024年6月15日 · 【明報專訊】政府提出禁止排隊時吸煙、禁止加味煙等10項短期控煙措施,擬年內提交修例建議。立法會衛生事務委員會昨討論控煙措施,會上過半發言議員提出質疑,包括控煙措施「太盡」、是否酒也要禁,部分憂影響旅客來港意願,打擊經濟,部分則指措施剝奪選擇權。自稱「嚴重煙民」的自由 ...

  7. 2024年6月11日 · The government needs to consider stiffening the penalties. As for the practice of illegally subletting public housing for profit, it runs counter to the original intention of the government's provision of public housing units. If necessary, the authorities should amend the