雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 大嶼山最佳好去處 | 香港旅遊發展局. 內文由 Time Out Hong Kong 提供. 在大嶼山,你可以到沙灘暢泳、去天壇大佛拜拜,再到愉景灣的酒吧餐廳嚐美食,一天內體驗各種精采活動,喜歡戶外活動的話,到這裡再適合不過。 此外,大嶼山擁有許多珍貴古蹟,漁村文化歷史悠久,值得到處探索。 行山觀日落、乘坐全玻璃底部的水晶纜車、到世界最高青銅坐佛朝聖、坐在海邊餐廳享受美食美景……總之,大嶼山應有盡有。 昂坪360、天壇大佛. 天壇大佛 是大嶼山的著名景點,34公尺高的青銅像坐落在巍峨山峰上。 前往天壇大佛,可在東涌乘搭 昂坪纜車 ,沿途飽覽 港珠澳大橋 與天壇大佛等景色,直達悠閒的昂坪市集,全程約25分鐘。

  2. From scenic beaches to cultural experiences, Lantau Island is the paradise you've been looking for.

  3. Lantau Island (also Lantao Island, Lan Tao or Lan Tau) is the largest island in Hong Kong, located west of Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula, and is part of the New Territories. Administratively, most of Lantau Island is part of the Islands District of Hong Kong.

  4. 🙅🏻‍♀️ 大嶼山好玩景點應有盡有,由昂坪玩到大澳漁村、梅窩瀑布,你可以去大嶼山最長最美的沙灘,行山去大東山芒草海🌾 最後在大嶼山特色酒店過夜。 立即看下去2024大嶼山一日遊的景點行程! 大嶼山 纜車/交通.

  5. 2023年9月25日 · Lantau Island. Throughout Lantau Island, the beautiful scenery and famous historical sites are truly fascinating. There is a chain of mountains that stretches from the higher elevations in the west to the lower ridges in the east. The highest peak in the mountain range is Phoenix Mountain, standing 935 meters (3,068 feet) high.

  6. 2 天前 · 全长70公里的凤凰径横跨大屿山全岛,遍布多个观景热点和自然奇观。 路径分为12级难度,部分路段相当崎岖,因此被选为 TransLantau飞越大屿 赛事路径之一,同时也是登山者和越野跑手喜欢的周末爬山景点。 此外,不要错过香港第三高的山峰大东山,海拔869米,拥有美丽的日落景色。 秋冬时节来凤凰径,还可以欣赏到芒草在阳光下闪耀的景色。 大澳渔村 的历史及遗迹源远流长,可追溯至明朝。 捕鱼为生的蜑家人以大澳为家,多年来聚居在水上棚屋,乃是游大屿山必到之境。 船只穿梭于棚屋间的水道上,空气中飘来阵阵海水味,渔村风光让人拍出惊艳的照片。 可是,这里怎会只是一个打卡景点? 一些大澳原居民将棚屋变成咖啡厅苏庐,供应一系列茶饮、精品咖啡和自家制蛋糕,让你一边欣赏水上风景,一边吃蛋糕,多么悠闲。

  7. 2023年9月6日 · Lantau Island is the largest island in Hong Kong, located in the southwest of the territory. It is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, including mountains, beaches, and forests. The history of Lantau Island dates back to ancient times, originally inhabited by the indigenous Tanka people, who lived off the land and sea.

  8. Lantau Island, which lies to the west of Hong Kong Island, is dominated by two enormous mountains — the 934-metre-high Lantau Peak and 869-metre Sunset Peak, which are respectively the city’s second and third highest peaks.

  9. Welcome to Lantau! As well as being Hong Kong's largest island it is also it's most varied with everything from grand vistas from high peaks, through a world class amusement park, to quiet beaches and historic villages. Visit for an afternoon or for a week and find that there are more unique Lantau experiences to keep you busy.

  10. What is Lantau Island? Area: 147 square kilometers (57 square miles) Recommended stay: 2 days. Tai O Village is on the far western end of Lantau. It is the largest of the islands of Hong Kong. It is about twice the size of Hong Kong Island, but it has about 1/10th of the population.

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