雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2023-2024 Chinese Secondary School Students Writing Competition ( Hong Kong ) Bronze Award. MVPA60 Mobile App Design Competition. Merit Award. AI English Writing Enhancement Program. 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze. Inter-school Volleyball Competition. Overall 3rd Runner up. "RE-FORM Cattle Depot Artist Village" Architecture, Interior and Landscape ...

  2. 我們的成就. 基本法宣傳大使設計比賽2024. 吳伽兒(銅獎)譚良純(優異獎)黃芊萃(優異獎). 2023-2024中國中學生作文大賽(香港賽區). 銅獎. 「躍動校園 活力人生」計劃 MVPA60流動應用程式設計比賽. 優異獎. AI智能輔導英文寫作升級奬勵計劃. 4金、4銀、3銅.

  3. Reading to Learn. The Reading Promotion Team coordinates the whole school's reading scheme and activities to encourage students to learn from reading and lead them to improve their reading ability and humanity, such as "Meet the author" and "We invite you to read a good book".

  4. 我們搜邏一些有提及到嘉諾撒培德書院的影片,希望帶來多方面的資訊去認識這學校。. 嘉諾撒培德書院:資助、女校、天主教;位於南區,學校以中文為主要教學語言,校長是:黃少玲女士 (SSP, Band, ptcc Banding, 派位, Band 幾, 校網, 校風, 好唔好, 排名, 學校水平 ...

  5. 嘉諾培德書院(Pui Tak Canossian College)創立於1975,是一所位於香港南區的天主教女資助, 校長是黃少玲女士 。(ptcc,香港南區, 中學概覽, Band, Banding, 排名,Band 幾, 派位,教學語言, 校服,好唔好, 入大學, 面試,入學申請, 功課, 成績,學費,交通

  6. 肺結核俗稱肺癆,在本港仍是一主要疾病,香港防癆心臟及胸病協會早在一九四零年代就已經展開對抗這種疾病的工作,當時因患癆病而死亡的人數很多,在一九四八年的時候每十萬人中有一佰零八點九人死於這種病,有見及此一群熱心的市民包括J.H.律敦治先生 ...

  7. Cervical lymphadenopathy in TB can mimic lateral neck metastasis (LNM) from papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). This study evaluated the clinicopathological features of patients with PTC and TB lateral neck lymphadenopathy.

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