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  1. 2024年8月17日 · 其實她加入TVB前已有電影作品,日前就有網民於社交平台發文,上載多幅Yoyo 19歲年電影處女作《愛上我吧》的劇照,大讚當年的她清純靚女,更以「出道即巔峰」來形容,Yoyo美貌美即使以現時審美標準亦不過時,其他網民都表示認同,大讚Yoyo由小美到

  2. 3 天前 · 人妻女神陳自瑤(YoYo)與兩屆視帝王浩信於2011年結婚,並育有女兒王靖喬(QQ),日前YoYo43歲生日,一班好友一雙一對為她慶祝,反而她獨個出現。 除了夫妻關係繼續撲朔迷離外,近年女兒生日,都只見YoYo為女兒盡心盡力整蛋糕布置,未見一家三口同框,而且夫婦二人即使分別與女兒貼合照,都遮住愛女外貌,最近網上卻有張疑似為YoYo母女的合照,引起討論。 有網民近日上載一張YoYo與一名少女的合照,並發文問道:「這是YoYo女兒嗎? 感覺挺漂亮的。 」照片中所見,YoYo站在後面,站在前面的少女就用手遮面,只露出一雙大眼睛,兩人除了五官非常相似,更做出差不多的手勢,該名少女一頭烏黑明亮秀髮,髮尾微微鬈曲,手指修長且戴上鑽石戒指。

  3. 2 天前 · 陳自瑤與女兒的合照,惹起熱議。 藝人陳自瑤(YoYo)與視帝王浩信的女兒王靖喬(QQ)現已12歲,最近網上流出YoYo母女的合照,引起討論,有網民上載照片並問:「這是YoYo女兒嗎? 感覺挺漂亮的。 」相中YoYo身前的少女用手遮面,只露出一雙大眼睛,並留有一頭烏黑明亮秀髮,髮尾微曲,手指修長且戴上鑽石戒指。 有網民翻出王靖喬小時候的照片作比對,並留言:「現在一下子長成少女模樣了」、「是個漂亮寶寶」、「挑父母的優點長」、「基因反正不會不好看。 而YoYo向來保養得宜,並積極做運動,她倒吊做空中瑜伽時,姿勢優美,幾達專業級,不少網民表示希望她能開班授徒,想跟她學嘢。 第一手消息請下載on.cc東網 iPhone/ iPad/ Android/ 睇騷「發光」擾民 郭書瑤跪低道歉.

  4. 2024年8月24日 · Currently starring in the popular TVB series Forensic Heroes VI: Redemption <法證先鋒VI: 倖存者的救贖>, Bosco plays a tough guy deeply in love, who frantically searching for his missing wife (Venus Wong 王敏奕) and nears emotional breakdown.

  5. 2024年8月23日 · On August 16, Hong Kong media reported that Chen Ziyao (Yoyo) and Wang Haoxin (Vincent) have officially divorced, ending their 11-year marriage and will jointly raise their 10-year-old daughter. It was reported that Chen Ziyao had negative emotions after her divorce and needed to be relieved by alternative treatments; Wang Haoxin ...

  6. 5 天前 · The High Court found that the couple had not been truthful and had made outright misrepresentations to the Family Court during their divorce. Although the couple claimed that the divorce was due to “irretrievable breakdown based on continuous separation of four

  7. 2024年8月27日 · Yoyo Chen really divides herself before and after marriage (or before and after giving birth) very accurately: before marriage, she is a sweet girl, as pure as she can be; after marriage, she is a dominant lady, as sexy as she can be.

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