雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840

  2. 循環貸款意思是什麼?. 循環貸款意思是指貸款公司先向借貸者給予一個透支限額,概念就像信用卡的最高簽帳額一樣,只要每次的借貸額不超過上限即可,部分公司更提供網上借錢服務,方便快捷,故此循環貸款比較靈活、彈性亦較大,非常適合經常需要短期 ...

  3. 若要借錢,當然利率愈低愈好,高利率會增加貸款成本。 所以借錢前要清楚了解,利率的計算方法,包括月平息﹑日息等等。 考慮各款產品時,也要比較各產品的實際年利率。

  4. Many personal loans provided by typical finance institutions already have a fixed repayment amount and period, as well as penalty and handling fee. Compared to typical loans, Promise's revolving loan offers repayment periods from 6 months to 84 months for you to select.

  5. In addition, Promise's personal loan plan is flexible, with the actual annual interest rate as low as 1.12% and no additional charges for early settlement (e.g. penalty, handling fee, etc.). Want to find out the interest and cost of loans, but find it complicated to calculate the APR yourself?

  6. 假如個人信貸評級評分過低,又應該如何改善?. 有辦法可以提升信貸評級嗎?. 以下一文將為您解答種種有關個人信貸評級的常見問題。. 常見問題1:甚麼是個人信貸評級、信貸報告?. 個人信貸評級又可分為多少級別?. 到底甚麼是個人信貸評級、信貸報告 ...

  7. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840