雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月27日 · 本周重點圖表——目前為止,勢不可擋. 美國第一季財報季度即將結束,而英偉達上周公佈的業績和指引非常強勁,提振了標普500指數的整體表現,帶動指數創新高。. 英偉達的業績具有影響力,因該公司經歷數月強勁升勢後,於指數佔有重大權重。. 其亦有助 ...

  2. 2024年5月28日 · 市場. 美股 和 國庫券市場 周一因陣亡將士紀念日假期休市。. 歐洲股市 本周初走高,日內交投淡靜,英國市場則休市,投資者觀望本周稍後公佈的歐元區和美國通脹數據,並消化央行官員並不一致的言論。. 道瓊斯歐洲50指數升0.5%,區內股市亦上揚。. 歐洲政府 ...

  3. 2024年5月13日 · FX Viewpoint: The GBP to take a turn for the worse. 13 May 2024. Special warning. HSBC prepared this video based on the information that it believes to be reliable at the time of shooting. However, the FX market moves very quickly and the views presented in the video may no longer be up-to-date and are subject to change without notice.

  4. 2024年5月29日 · 美股 周二個別發展,國庫券息率走高。. 標普500指數持平、納斯達克指數升0.6%,而道瓊斯工業平均指數跌0.6%。. 美國國庫券 下跌(息率上升),數據顯示消費信心意外地增加,兩年期和五年期國庫券債務發售需求不大。. 十年期國庫券息率攀升8個基點至4.55% ...

  5. 2 天前 · Key benefits. Comprehensive protection. Life coverage of up to HKD7 million, no health examination needed! Top up your protection. Pay extra to add up to 4 of these benefits to your plan: accidental death, critical illness, cancer, child protection, and hospital cash. Easy to budget for.

  6. 2024年5月12日 · 13 May 2024. Key takeaways. In recent weeks, there’s been a reversal of fortune for Chinese stocks, outperforming indices across both developed and emerging markets. Crucially, policy measures have shored up confidence, with the Politburo signalling ongoing assistance on both the monetary and fiscal fronts.

  7. 2024年5月24日 · Stock markets in mainland China and Hong Kong have rallied this year, with solid momentum in Q2 delivering one of the strongest performances in global equities. Late last year, disinflation and positive growth hinted at the prospect of the softest of soft landings for the economy. But in Q1, a sequence of three hot inflation prints reframed ...

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