雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月24日 · Today and weekly analysis of foreign exchange to help you grasp the right time to invest. Provide up-to-date market news and indices information which help your decision. Market Information. Most Active Stocks (Delay) More Active Stocks. Rise. Fall. Turnover. Volume. Hang Seng Index (Delay) 18097.289 69.578 (0.39%) Last Update: 24/06/2024 20:46.

  2. 2024年6月21日 · China Construction Bank (Asia) offers a wide range of consumer, retail and commercial banking products and services to customers.

  3. 5 天前 · CCB (Asia) Investment Horizons provides you comprehensive and up-to-date Video Commentary, FX Express, FX Highlight, FX Chartbook, FX Exchange Rate as well as various updates on privileged investments offers. Join us to strategize your wealth plan and capture every opportunities in the volatile market.

  4. 4 天前 · China Construction Bank (Asia) offers competitive time deposit rate in Hong Kong. The Bank provides saving account and time deposit in 12 currencies including HK dollars, US dollars, Renminbi, Pound Sterling etc.

  5. 2 天前 · CCB (Asia) eligible customers can enjoy FX offers, including up to HK$4,500 cash reward for online foreign exchange and foreign currency time deposit interest rate of up to 16.8% p.a.

  6. 2024年6月20日 · 1. 報告 / 分析 / 數據 / 市場資訊. 載於本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊內資料乃取自相信為可靠來源,惟其準確性及完整性並不獲保證。 本行概不就本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊內所載資料及意見是否公正、準確、完整或無誤作 出明確或隱含聲明或保證,且並無責任更新或更正本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊中任何資料。 本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊所提供意見及其他資料可予以更改,毋須另行通知。 除另有指明外,本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊所載任何意見、預計或預測乃作者意見、預計或預測,並不代表發行人或任何其他人士觀點。 本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊並不構成或載有投資意見。 在刊發本報告、分析、數據及市場資訊時,並無考慮個別收件 人特定投資目標、財務狀況或特別需要。

  7. 2024年6月25日 · Note: (1) The above deposit interest rates are for reference only. (2) For savings account / time deposit, interest is calculated on the following year basis: Hong Kong Dollar, Macau Patacas, Pound Sterling and Singapore Dollar – 365 days (including leap year). For