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  1. 2024年5月24日 · 讓人捨不得眨眼的不眠歡樂街. 走出上班族、學生及外國觀光客人潮湧出「新宿」站剪票口,外頭有許多高樓大廈群、涵蓋廣域的繁華街、數不清的咖啡店和酒吧、餐廳。. 在「新宿」站西側的西新宿有高樓大廈群,在東京都廳全年都可以看 光雕秀 ;東側則是 ...

  2. 2024年6月13日 · 從這裡開始為正文. Updated: June 13, 2024. 在東京都,針對訪問東京的國內外遊客,設置了5處東京觀光資訊中心以提供觀光資訊。 為讓任何人都可放心利用,我們也提供 無障礙旅遊服務 。 我們還提供「 在線觀光導覽 」服務,讓您在家裡或旅遊地等任何地方都能免費的接受觀光建議,推薦您使用哦! 開設場所及營業時間. 東京都廳. 新宿高速巴士總站. 羽田機場. 京成上野. 多摩. 東京都廳 (第一本廳舍1樓) 新宿高速巴士總站 (3樓) 羽田機場 (第3航廈2樓) 京成上野 (車站剪票口前) 多摩 (ecute立川3樓) 主要服務內容.

  3. 2 天前 · 公告訊息. 請注意目前有偽造「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」的臉書帳號。. 請勿點擊偽造帳號的留言或任何相關連結,「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」並不會要求粉絲進行任何註冊或付款等動作。. 「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」只有此一粉絲專頁(https://www.facebook.com/GoTokyo.cht),其他的為偽造 ...

  4. 2024年6月6日 · Useful Apps for traveling Tokyo. Find out what to do and eat, where to go and stay and more at GO TOKYO. Explore hidden gems even many locals don't know. Dig deeper the charm of Tokyo.

    • Sumida River Fireworks Festival
    • Adachi Fireworks Festival
    • Tachikawa Showa Kinen Park Fireworks
    • Tanabata Matsuri
    • Kingyo Matsuri
    • Japanese Lantern Plant Fair
    • Iriya Morning Glory Festival
    • Kagurazaka Matsuri

    Sumida River Fireworks Festivalis Tokyo's most popular fireworks festival: On average, 950,000 people attend each year. Close to 20,000 fireworks light up the sky above the Sumida River in Asakusa, making this one of Japan's biggest fireworks events. Photo courtesy of Taito City

    Find a spot on the banks of the Arakawa River and enjoy Tokyo's earliest summer fireworks festival. The Adachi Fireworks Festivalhas been held for over a century, and is known for setting off a huge number of fireworks—around 13,000 of them—in just one hour. The 2nd Adachi Ward Photo Contest / Submitted by hibiki

    Showa Kinen Park provides wide, open views of the night sky. Highlights of the Tachikawa Showa Kinen Park Fireworksinclude the colossal size of some of the fireworks—the shakudama variety explode into flowers of fire around 400 meters in diameter—and a competitive performance of unique and innovative fireworks that did well in national competitions...

    On July 7, people celebrate the Japanese traditional holiday of Tanabata by writing wishes on strips of paper, tying the paper to bamboo, and praying to the stars. It is said that for just this day once a year, Weaving Princess Orihime and Cowherd Hikoboshi cross the Milky Way to be together. Their reunion is celebrated nationwide during the Tanaba...

    Goldfish-scooping stalls are a quintessential part of Japanese summer festivals. Tokyo's Edogawa City is famous for its goldfish, and it celebrates them each year at an annual festival. Goldfish are displayed and sold, and there are goldfish-scooping competitions. Visitors to Sumida Aquarium, located inside TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, can see around 15 typ...

    Those who offer a prayer at Asakusa's Sensoji Temple on July 9 or July 10 are said to receive 46,000 days' worth of blessings. The Hozuki-ichi—a fair where hozuki (Japanese lantern plants) are sold—is held during this auspicious period. In Japan, hozuki are said to guide the spirits of ancestors to the family home for the summer Obon festival, so t...

    In the past, the gardeners of Iriya created around 1,000 varieties of morning glory plants through cross-pollination. That history is celebrated at the annual Iriya Morning Glory Festival—the largest festival in Japan dedicated to morning glory plants. There are around 30 stalls specializing in them, and around 100 other stalls to enjoy as well.

    Kagurazaka Matsuriis one of Tokyo's most popular summer festivals. It features the Japanese Lantern Plant Market, and the Awa-odori Dance Festival. On the days when the market is held, the streets are lined with yatai food stalls, and Japanese lantern plants are sold on the grounds of Bishamonten Zenkokuji Temple. Then comes the Awa-odori dance per...

  5. 2024年6月11日 · 对于喜欢日本庆典活动的人来说,7月是最适合游玩东京的月份。. 从月初的七夕节到下旬的隅田川烟火大会,都能让您留下最美好的回忆。.

  6. 2024年6月3日 · 神樂坂祭(酸漿花市、阿波舞). 東京都 新宿區 神樂坂1丁目~神樂坂通. 2024-7-24 - 2024-7-27. Updated: June 3, 2024. 神樂坂祭舉辦在古色古香、適合悠閒散步的神樂坂,是能讓遊客體驗懷舊風情的夏日祭典之一。. 其中,酸漿花市以毘沙門天善國寺為中心舉辦,附近的餐 ...

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