雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月3日 · EISA太鼓舞祭是沖繩在農曆盂蘭盆節時送祖先神靈離開,並祈禱家庭平安及繁榮的儀式。 配合著大大小小的太鼓樂聲,跳著手舞的男男女女、三線琴樂師、地謠歌者、丑角等各表演者將會組成隊伍在街上載歌載舞。 這場日本全國知名的沖繩傳統儀式舉辦於東京新宿,如今已是新宿的夏日風情畫。 光是聽著激盪迴響的太鼓聲、看著元氣十足的舞蹈,就會讓每個人感到震撼不已、興奮萬分吧。 在這場活力充沛的祭典裡,觀眾們都能從這舞動在東京中心的熱情舞蹈中,得到滿滿的元氣。 東京西部. 新宿. 關鍵詞. 7月. 夏. 12:00-20:00 (預定) ※小雨照常舉行。 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京西部 > 新宿 > 第21屆 新宿EISA太鼓舞祭.

  2. 2024年6月7日 · 「築地獅子祭」以此故事為依據,當時人們供奉了乘雲之龍、駕風之虎、一吼萬物皆畏伏之獅子的巨大獅頭並抬起進行繞行儀式,這就是此節日的開端。 東京都中心. 築地. 關鍵詞. 6月. 7日 宵宮祭. 8日 鎮花祭、江戶里神樂奉納. 9日 神社千貫宮神轎 渡御祭(上午9點至下午3點半) 10日 大祭式. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京都中心 > 築地 > 夏越大祭「築地獅子祭」 波除稻荷神社因民眾前往祈求消災解厄、生意興隆、施工安全而聞名。 從江戶開府(1603年)前著手進行的江戶東南海面填平工程中,築地是只要一築堤防就會遭到沖毀的最大難關。 但,某天夜裡在海面上出現了一尊神像,加以祭拜後竟然就此風平浪靜,工程亦於1659年順利完成。

  3. 2024年6月3日 · 2024-7-27. Updated: June 3, 2024. The Eisa Festival originated in Okinawa as a way to honor the island's ancestors and pray for the well-being of families and economic prosperity. Today this festival is also held annually in Shinjuku. During the celebrations, performers form a procession and dance through the streets to the beat of taiko drums.

  4. 2024年6月3日 · 東京都 葛飾區 柴又7丁目17番13號先. 2024-7-23. Updated: June 3, 2024. 此煙火大會有著半世紀以上的歷史,充滿下町人情味。. 因施放地點鄰近觀眾席,其煙火表演具有東京數一數二的臨場感。. 會場另備有收費指定席,如折疊椅子席、2人枡及4人枡席(有簡易區 ...

    • Sumida River Fireworks Festival
    • Adachi Fireworks Festival
    • Tachikawa Festival and Fireworks at Showa Kinen Park
    • Tanabata Matsuri
    • Kingyo Matsuri
    • Japanese Lantern Plant Fair
    • Iriya Morning Glory Festival
    • Kagurazaka Matsuri

    Sumida River Fireworks Festivalis Tokyo's most popular fireworks festival: On average, 950,000 people attend each year. Close to 20,000 fireworks light up the sky above the Sumida River in Asakusa, making this one of Japan's biggest fireworks events. Photo courtesy of Taito City

    Find a spot on the banks of the Arakawa River and enjoy Tokyo's earliest summer fireworks festival. The Adachi Fireworks Festivalhas been held for over a century, and is known for setting off a huge number of fireworks—around 15,000 of them—in just one hour. The 2nd Adachi Ward Photo Contest / Submitted by hibiki

    Showa Kinen Park provides wide, open views of the night sky. Highlights of this event include the colossal size of some of the fireworks—the shakudama variety explode into flowers of fire around 400 meters in diameter—and a competitive performance of unique and innovative fireworks that did well in national competitions. Tachikawa Festival and Fire...

    On July 7, Weaving Princess Orihime and Cowherd Hikoboshi are said to cross the Milky Way to be together for just one day. This meeting is celebrated nationwide with the Tanabata Matsuri. At Tokyo's Zojoji Temple, candles made from Japanese washi paper are lined up to symbolize the Milky Way, creating a magical atmosphere. Browse the Tanabata decor...

    Goldfish-scooping stalls are a quintessential part of Japanese summer festivals. Tokyo's Edogawa City is famous for its goldfish, and it celebrates them each year at an annual festival. Goldfish are displayed and sold, and there are goldfish-scooping competitions. Visitors to Sumida Aquarium, located inside Tokyo Skytree, can see around 15 types of...

    Those who offer a prayer at Asakusa's Sensoji Temple on July 9 or July 10 are said to receive 46,000 days' worth of blessings. The Hozuki-ichi—a fair where hozuki (Japanese lantern plants) are sold—is held during this auspicious period. In Japan, hozuki are said to guide the spirits of ancestors to the family home for the summer Obon festival, so t...

    In the past, the gardeners of Iriya created around 1,000 varieties of morning glory plants through cross-pollination. That history is celebrated at an annual event—the largest festival in Japan dedicated to morning glory plants. There are around 40 stalls specializing in them, and around 100 other stalls to enjoy as well. Iriya Morning Glory Festiv...

    Kagurazaka Matsuri is one of Tokyo's most popular summer festivals. It features the Japanese Lantern Plant Market, and the Awa-odori Dance Festival. On the days when the market is held, the streets are lined with yatai food stalls, and Japanese lantern plants are sold on the grounds of Bishamonten Zenkokuji Temple. Then comes the Awa-odori dance pe...

  5. 2024年6月3日 · 神樂坂祭(酸漿花市、阿波舞). 東京都 新宿區 神樂坂1丁目~神樂坂通. 2024-7-24 - 2024-7-27. Updated: June 3, 2024. 神樂坂祭舉辦在古色古香、適合悠閒散步的神樂坂,是能讓遊客體驗懷舊風情的夏日祭典之一。. 其中,酸漿花市以毘沙門天善國寺為中心舉辦,附近的餐 ...

  6. 2024年6月7日 · Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri (Lion Dance Festival) Located in Tsukiji, the Namiyoke Inari-jinja Shrine has long been known as a place to pray for economic prosperity, safety in construction work, and protection against misfortune and natural disasters.