雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 40 呎貨櫃存儲倉. 長期及短期存倉服務一律歡迎,月租使用。 完善電腦化系統,營業時間內以智能咭無限次自由出入貨倉,方便可靠。 貨櫃堅固安全,自鎖自存,存取方便.

  2. 本公司提供傢俬傢俱存倉服務倉,十分適合各行各業裝修幾個月暫存辦公室傢俱、餐廳傢俬或家中傢俬存放,備有月租,符合經濟原則,無需簽署長期合約,為搬屋、搬廠、搬寫字或家居裝修人士省卻尋找短期貨倉之煩惱。. 20呎貨櫃適合儲存幾百平方呎至千餘 ...

  3. whiteheadstorage.hk › regulations存倉指南

    貨櫃存貨空間計算儲存倉空間計算 及 CBM. 貨櫃尺寸 (英尺) 內平方尺. 內立方尺. 內CBM. 10尺貨櫃. 外尺寸 (10尺長 X 8尺闊 X 8尺6寸高) 內尺寸 (9尺半長 X 7尺半闊 X 8尺高) 櫃門尺寸 (47寸闊 X 91寸高)

  4. Self Storage Service. Long term or short term storage service are all welcome. Unlimited free access to warehouse within business hours, safe and easy! 24 hours CCTV and security guard stationed to ensure your container (s) is safe! No minimum charge, no registration fee, no admission fee! Suitable for all kinds of business or personal usage.

  5. Whitehead Storage is a container warehouse that provides self-storage service. Sitting close to the city center of Ma On Shan, Whitehead Storage offers more than 500 containers for hire, ideal for all kinds of business and families who are in need of space to store goods, tools, furniture, cars.. etc.

  6. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › rental-guide⻑和管理有限公司

    首次進倉可由職員帶領到已租用之貨櫃倉位置 租戶需自行安排運輸進出貨物 租戶需自行上鎖及保管鑰匙. Tenants are led by staff to the rented Container Warehouse for the first entrance. Tenants are required to arrange for the transport of goods Tenants are required to lock & keep the key for the said ...

  7. whiteheadstorage.hk › download › regulationsOcean First Logistics Ltd

    所有收費詳情,請參閱本公司收費表。 每日營業時間內,租戶可以自由進出貨櫃倉,無須另外收費。 提存物品後須立即離場,不作無謂逗留。 在下列任何情況下,租戶將被拒絕進入貨櫃倉: 甲、 租金逾期未繳交; 乙、 租戶違反本公司經營條款; 丙、 當八號或以上颱風警告訊號或黑色暴雨警告訊號發出。 租櫃只能存放工具、物件等,嚴禁在櫃內生火或燒焊,不得移動貨櫃及僭建。 租戶不得轉租及利用該櫃作非法用途,或存放具爆炸性、易燃性、危險性、違規及違禁之葯物、危險性、腐蝕性或對公眾有害之物品,倘有違反本規條而令本公司及/或其他租戶遭受減損時,租戶須負上刑責及予以賠償。