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  1. 2024年5月29日 · English highway﹕ Turn (smth/smone) down To refuse an offer or request E.g. She turned down the opportunity to work in Singapore. Turn back To return in the direction you have come from, or to make someone do this E.g. We have to turn back, or else we

  2. 2024年5月29日 · English highway﹕ Turn (smth/smone) down To refuse an offer or request E.g. She turned down the opportunity to work in Singapore. Turn back To return in the direction you have come from, or to make someone do this E.g. We have to turn back, or else we

  3. 2024年5月29日 · 1. 有志者事竟成. 3. 傳道授業. 7. 循誦習傳. 【直】 2. 志同道合. 4. 業精於勤. 5. 胸無點墨. 6. 學而時習之. (本網發表的文章若提出批評,旨在指出相關制度、政策或措施存在錯誤或缺點,目的是促使矯正或消除這些錯誤或缺點,循合法途徑予以改善,絕無意圖煽動他人對政府或其他社群產生憎恨、不滿或敵意。 [語文同樂 第712期] 加拿大溫哥華明報新聞網.

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  5. 3 天前 · 重複性勞損的成因. 很多人可能從沒有聽過「重複性勞損」 ( 英文學名Repetitive Strain Injury, 簡稱R.S. I.) 這個醫學名詞。其實R. S. I. 是多種十分常見疾病的統稱。. 它們包括腕管綜合症 (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)、滑囊炎 (Bursitis)、肌腱炎 (Tendinitis)、腱鞘炎 (Tenosynovitis ...

  6. 2024年5月29日 · Talk of the town:Greening Hong Kong. [2024.05.29] 發表 推文. A wall tree in Bonham Road was removed on 13 May due to potential risks of collapse. 【明報專訊】The banyan tree (垂葉榕) planted by former Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten in Wan Chai in 1993, has been removed due to its deteriorating health condition and ...

  7. 2024年5月29日 · Answer:Talk of the town. [2024.05.29] 發表 推文. 【明報專訊】 Gear up. False. (Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view to rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via ...

  8. 2024年5月22日 · 【明報專訊】In a rapidly developing city, the clash between urban expansion and the preservation of cultural heritage is an ongoing challenge. The latest battleground in this struggle in Hong Kong is Ha Wan Tsuen (下灣村) in Lok Ma Chau, which will be reclaimed for the San Tin Technopole (新田科技城).

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